Hi, i am beginner with proxmox.
I solve properly setting backup mode STOP.
VM is Debian 33GB and 300GB mount as directory in Debian. Backup job is correctly( first attachment), but boot of Debian end with error (second attachment)-boot begin during of backup.
Debian havn´t acces to 300gb partiton when proxmox make backup?
In attachment i see -INFO: resuming VM again after 10 seconds
It´s possible change the time (or choice- example boot after comple backup) or how make together correctly backup and boot of Debian.
Thanks for help and sorry for my poor english, Ivan
I solve properly setting backup mode STOP.
VM is Debian 33GB and 300GB mount as directory in Debian. Backup job is correctly( first attachment), but boot of Debian end with error (second attachment)-boot begin during of backup.
Debian havn´t acces to 300gb partiton when proxmox make backup?
In attachment i see -INFO: resuming VM again after 10 seconds
It´s possible change the time (or choice- example boot after comple backup) or how make together correctly backup and boot of Debian.
Thanks for help and sorry for my poor english, Ivan