Try to debug and find out why that file isn't there.
- Dietmar
To not lost many time, i simple remove the line
mv /root/pve-kernel-2.6.24_2009-01-15/kvm-83/debian/pve-kvm/usr/share/man/man1/qemu.1 /root/pve-kernel-2.6.24_2009-01-15/kvm-83/debian/pve-kvm/usr/share/man/man1/kvm.1
from the rules to generate debian packege (for me, at this time, the manual page isn't so important
) and compilation working fine...but always same problem...
I try also some other experiment without success...but i find where is my problem: i installed old ubuntu server 8.04 version on server and i have the same problem, problem there aren't on the latest 8.10 version....
So, i installed a new 8.10 ubuntu server, i download all image kernel from 8.04 and 8.10 (5 image for 8.04 based on 2.6.24 kernel and 3 image for 8.10 based on 2.6.27 kernel), i installed it and i tested it: when i start with all 2.6.24 image i have the problem, while with all 2.6.27 kernel no, i think that problem is related to 2.6.24 version of kernel (i don't know if it's related on the ubuntu specific image), the same version on the base of proxmox 1.1.
So, i stop to make experiment (and to abuse of you patience
) : i think that it's useless lost other time, considering that 2.6.24 is an old kernel, and the next relase of proxmox is coming (what kernel will be used ?
Thank for you patience