Automated / Unattended install via ISO method?


Mar 25, 2020
Hi All - newbie to Proxmox here. My apologies if this has been covered here, but I've spent the last 2 days searching for an answer to this...

I'm automating PXE install of Proxmox ISO (6.1) via the Digital Rebar Platform (DRP) solution. I have the install working, after a I "re-master" the initrd with the ISO image embedded inside of it as /proxmox.iso.

This allows me to initiate the Proxmox install and start the installer via PXE. However, the installer has a baked in GUI input method to configure the server. This doesn't work well in highly automated environments. Are there any "hooks" in the officially released ISO installer to provide an "answers" or "unattended" file to fully automate the install?

My tooling today takes apart the ISO and does the remastering steps, so I have an ability to inject some changes in to the process. I'm seeking HOW to add in an "answers" file that would allow the Proxmox initial bootstrap configuration to be completed in an unattended fashion.

I am aware that Proxmox is built on Debian 10 (Buster), and I may end up moving to PXE deploy of Buster, then install the proxmox packages on top of that. However, I suspect I'll still run in to "first time configuration" problems in that environment as well ?

Any pointers or references would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
