Auth Ticket timout

Aug 20, 2018
I am syncing one backupdatastore to another server . After a while the sync stops. It seems that some timeout during the session was reached .

For how long is a session valid ? The session Ticket should get updated during a sync session.

2020-09-08T09:19:36+02:00: Starting datastore sync job 'long'
2020-09-08T12:58:41+02:00: sync snapshot "vm/11105/2020-09-02T21:30:02Z" done
2020-09-08T12:58:44+02:00: sync group vm/11105 failed - permission check failed.
2020-09-08T12:58:47+02:00: sync group vm/11109 failed - authentication failed - invalid ticket - expired



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