Audio delay when making a call


New Member
Apr 21, 2023

I am looking for some advice, we are a small-ish call center using promox to allow users to connect externally using spice and access our telephony server which is completely closed off from external connection. When connecting and making a call from our LAN there is virtually no delay in the audio however when I connect to the VM then make the call there is about a 2ish second delay in the return response(From the cell phone to the agent on the PC) only.

The question is how can I remove this delay, if more information is required please let me know and I will do my best to provide it.
What CPU usage and iowait you have on host and VM when delays occured?
All three were taken in the same call and for clarification the delay is constant however it can get worse and has gone up to a six second delay in audio.


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    io-wait on vm.JPG
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  • io-wait-onhost.JPG
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  • cpu usage.JPG
    cpu usage.JPG
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If there is any other information I can get to help resolve this, please let me know.
Installed qemu guest agent on the vm, however its not showing any new or relevant data, the delay is still present.


  • second iowait on vm.png
    second iowait on vm.png
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  • Cpu usage on vm update.JPG
    Cpu usage on vm update.JPG
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Please describe more detailed what client and telephony software you use and how exactly your users connected to it.
Ok so the users are connecting directly to Proxmox via an external(public) Ip address after logging into to the PVE realm they then open the Spice console client, the VMS themselves are running Linux Mint 21.1 xfce. The telephony server we use is Vicidial which uses Asterisk PBX and a SIP trunk connection. We are also using Zoiper as our softphones to connect the user to the telephony server.
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Maybe it better to use web interface for users instead of connect directly to Proxmox?
Maybe I explained that wrong the users connect by going to a public IP address, we recommend that they use google chrome.
Yes it does, however we have those servers closed off from non LAN access to prevent toll fraud and we also need users to be on our LAN (which the VM's are assigned) to access other CRM's that we contract with and have to be whitelisted to access from our LAN.

At the end of the day my question still stands can the audio delay that we experience be removed or is it something we are going to have to live with?