2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[10.1e( v 3146'1542 (0'0,3146'1542] local-lis/les=3518/3519 n=184 ec=2140/2140 lis/c 3433/3425 les/c/f 3434/3426/0 3520/3520/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3425,3520)/3 crt=3146'1542 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] start_peering_interval up [0,4] -> [0], acting [0,4] -> [0], acting_primary 0 -> 0, up_primary 0 -> 0, role 0 -> 0, features acting 4611087854035861503 upacting 4611087854035861503
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[10.1e( v 3146'1542 (0'0,3146'1542] local-lis/les=3518/3519 n=184 ec=2140/2140 lis/c 3433/3425 les/c/f 3434/3426/0 3520/3520/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3425,3520)/3 crt=3146'1542 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[12.5( v 3255'552 (0'0,3255'552] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=78 ec=2154/2154 lis/c 3433/3420 les/c/f 3434/3421/0 3520/3520/3520) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3420,3520)/2 crt=3255'552 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown NOTIFY mbc={}] start_peering_interval up [3,0] -> [0], acting [3,0] -> [0], acting_primary 3 -> 0, up_primary 3 -> 0, role 1 -> 0, features acting 4611087854035861503 upacting 4611087854035861503
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[12.5( v 3255'552 (0'0,3255'552] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=78 ec=2154/2154 lis/c 3433/3420 les/c/f 3434/3421/0 3520/3520/3520) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3420,3520)/2 crt=3255'552 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[1.3c( v 3263'185256 (2790'182156,3263'185256] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=6116 ec=10/10 lis/c 3433/3433 les/c/f 3434/3434/0 3518/3518/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3518 pi=[3433,3518)/2 crt=3263'185256 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 peering mbc={}] state<Started/Primary/Peering>: Peering, affected_by_map, going to Reset
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[1.3c( v 3263'185256 (2790'182156,3263'185256] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=6116 ec=10/10 lis/c 3433/3433 les/c/f 3434/3434/0 3518/3518/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3433,3518)/2 crt=3263'185256 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[8.28( v 3255'450 (0'0,3255'450] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=98 ec=2124/2124 lis/c 3433/3408 les/c/f 3434/3409/0 3518/3518/3518) [0,2] r=0 lpr=3518 pi=[3408,3518)/2 crt=3255'450 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 peering mbc={}] state<Started/Primary/Peering>: Peering, affected_by_map, going to Reset
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[8.28( v 3255'450 (0'0,3255'450] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=98 ec=2124/2124 lis/c 3433/3408 les/c/f 3434/3409/0 3520/3520/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3408,3520)/3 crt=3255'450 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] start_peering_interval up [0,2] -> [0], acting [0,2] -> [0], acting_primary 0 -> 0, up_primary 0 -> 0, role 0 -> 0, features acting 4611087854035861503 upacting 4611087854035861503
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[8.28( v 3255'450 (0'0,3255'450] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=98 ec=2124/2124 lis/c 3433/3408 les/c/f 3434/3409/0 3520/3520/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3408,3520)/3 crt=3255'450 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[2.28( v 3263'348310 (3148'345300,3263'348310] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=29259 ec=18/18 lis/c 3433/3433 les/c/f 3434/3434/0 3518/3518/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3518 pi=[3433,3518)/2 crt=3263'348310 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 peering mbc={}] state<Started/Primary/Peering>: Peering, affected_by_map, going to Reset
2021-02-04 15:45:53.391 7fa6af248700 1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 3520 pg[2.28( v 3263'348310 (3148'345300,3263'348310] local-lis/les=3433/3434 n=29259 ec=18/18 lis/c 3433/3433 les/c/f 3434/3434/0 3518/3518/3518) [0] r=0 lpr=3520 pi=[3433,3518)/2 crt=3263'348310 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
2021-02-04 15:45:54.987 7fa6af248700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : 1.4b deep-scrub starts
2021-02-04 15:46:15.719 7fa6c6cef700 -1 received signal: Interrupt, si_code : 128, si_value (int): 0, si_value (ptr): 0, si_errno: 0, si_pid : 0, si_uid : 0, si_addr0, si_status0
2021-02-04 15:46:15.719 7fa6c6cef700 -1 osd.0 3521 *** Got signal Interrupt ***
2021-02-04 15:46:15.719 7fa6c6cef700 -1 osd.0 3521 *** Immediate shutdown (osd_fast_shutdown=true) ***