After a lot of tests and script debugging I found final solution for GeoIP2. It is really easy but lack of documentations makes it a lot more demanding.
I added GeoIP2 CPAN module:
Code:perl -MCPAN -e shell install GeoIP2::Database::Reader
Edited ``:
Code:nano /etc/mail/spamassassin/
And enabled GeoIP2:
Code:country_db_type GeoIP2 country_db_path /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
After all it is better to test it:
Code:spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep -i --color relaycountry
Does somebody have idea how to show RelayCountry header in emails? It looks like SA implementation in PMG is not able to add header at all.
echo "test" | spamassassin -D pyzor 2>&1 | less
Jan 5 21:36:43.516 [2744] warn: config: created user preferences file: /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
Jan 5 21:36:43.537 [2744] dbg: pyzor: network tests on, attempting Pyzor
Jan 5 21:36:48.746 [2744] info: config: country_db_path "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" is not accessible
Jan 5 21:36:48.746 [2744] info: config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" is not valid for "country_db_path", skipping: country_db_path /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
Update: So today i got a few cron error
Code:invalid regexp for rule SCHAALIT_HEADER_5752: /\Part num your Hacked phone!/: Can't find Unicode property definition "a" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\Pa <-- HERE rt num your Hacked phone!/ config: warning: description exists for non-existent rule SCHAALIT_HEADER_5752
This is the SA-update
Code:#!/bin/sh # schaal @it # # Simple script to update SpamAssassin SYSLOG_TAG=sa-update compile=0 logger -d -t $SYSLOG_TAG "Start SA-Update" sa-update --nogpg retval="$?" if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then compile=1; fi sa-update --nogpg --channel retval="$?" if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then compile=1; fi sa-update --nogpg --channel retval="$?" if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then compile=1; fi sa-update --nogpg --channel retval="$?" if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then compile=1; fi sa-update --nogpg --channel retval="$?" if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then compile=1; fi if [ $compile -eq 1 ]; then logger -d -t $SYSLOG_TAG "SA-Update found" sa-compile --quiet 2>/dev/null systemctl restart pmg-smtp-filter else logger -d -t $SYSLOG_TAG "No SA-Update found" fi
As mentioned in post #225 I just added a script to update and add as isn't updated really often by PMG and isn't included at all. Hopefully, this updates would also be adopted to PMG itself. Steps performed are just easy:
Code:vi /etc/cron.daily/KAM-update /etc/cron.daily/KAM-update
And the content of /etc/cron.daily/KAM-update (daily updating is enough) is as followed (adopted from sa-update from before):
Code:#!/bin/sh # KatyComputer # # Simple script to update KAM rules SYSLOG_TAG=KAM-update compile=0 logger -d -t $SYSLOG_TAG "Start KAM-Update" md5_old=$( md5sum /usr/share/spamassassin-extra/ ) wget -q -N -P /usr/share/spamassassin-extra md5_new=$( md5sum /usr/share/spamassassin-extra/ ) if [ "$md5_old" != "$md5_new" ]; then compile=1; fi md5_old=$( md5sum /usr/share/spamassassin-extra/ ) wget -q -N -P /usr/share/spamassassin-extra md5_new=$( md5sum /usr/share/spamassassin-extra/ ) if [ "$md5_old" != "$md5_new" ]; then compile=1; fi if [ $compile -eq 1 ]; then logger -d -t $SYSLOG_TAG "KAM-Update found" sa-compile --quiet 2>/dev/null systemctl restart pmg-smtp-filter systemctl restart spamassassin else logger -d -t $SYSLOG_TAG "No KAM-Update found" fi
Why shouldn't the rules do it with 6.2.5? See not reason for your question... You can safely skip the SA restart line (like you already did!), as it's not required by PMG default install, only when you use the additional miltered setup....I am on PMG 6.2-5, and do not use the Filter, so I am removing the line for restarting Spamassassin - but my question is, are these rules in the current directory also used by 6.2-5 in it's Spam Assassin @heutger
Why shouldn't the rules do it with 6.2.5? See not reason for your question... You can safely skip the SA restart line (like you already did!), as it's not required by PMG default install, only when you use the additional miltered setup....
@heutger and @Stoiko Ivanov :
And I really wonder, why the tweaks use systemctl restart pmg-smtp-filter and not systemctl reload pmg-smtp-filter?
Shouldn't the systemctl reload pmg-smtp-filter just do the same, to apply SA-Ruleset changes on the fly, without interrupting the whole pmg-filter-service process (and creating new PID) when executing systemctl restart pmg-smtp-filter?
spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep -i --color
- I can see that it is loading as shown in dbg: config: using "/usr/share/spamassassin-extra/" for included file
spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep -i --color
I get no output. I do not have a separate MILTER based spamassassin setup, and am using only the one with PMG only. I had also added some more custom Rules that I need like the and even they are not getting loaded - hence the question./etc/mail/spamassassin/
as instead of including the extra's directory - it only includes the therepamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep -i --color
Hi, Were you able to get get the Header working - I would like to see the Relay Country in all my emails.Thank you for your time and that you are trying to help me.
After some tests I found that the problem was in my misunderstanding. I thought that if I add to "" I will see "X-SPAM_Relay-Country" in email headers but I will see only "RELAYCOUNTRY_GOOD" or "RELAYCOUNTRY_BAD" if it meet right policy.
So "add_header all" rule will be never shown in email header?
Edit: And one really important thing is that I had to restart "pmg-smtp-filter" service everytime when I edited "" file. Problem was that I tested every change by "spamassassin -D" command which show every change in "" immediately, instead of "pmg-smtp-filter" service which need to be restarted.
keep getting removed, the only rule line that survives this is the KAM.CF but others get removed, not sure how to handle this, maybe @Stoiko Ivanov can give inputs? I am currently on 6.2-5 /usr/share/spamassassin-extras/
into the instead of and now changes from there are also disappearing. This is only happening on the machine where I updated pve-kernel-5.4 (pve-kernel-5.44-2-pve) and not on the machine were update is pending (I have 2 machines setup in cluster)you need to use PMG's templateing system to override the configuration files:To find what could be causing this, I upgraded my second node in the cluster too and I am loosing any settings I make in the or
Upon reload the rule-database and configuration are loaded, however the SpamAssassin rules are not reloaded.And I really wonder, why the tweaks use systemctl restart pmg-smtp-filter and not systemctl reload pmg-smtp-filter?
pmg.mail.greylist = 0
is shown - maybe it changed over time - I have personally found that greaylist keeps away a bit of Spam - but have also found many mail servers are not complaint - What is your opinion here?pmg.mail.spf = 0
, pmg.mail.tlslog = 1
mg.mail.verifyreceivers = 550
pmg.mail.rejectunknown = 0
Thank you - I will read up about this - so just to get it correct - all changes to be made for anything are to be in templates, but changes to fileyou need to use PMG's templateing system to override the configuration files:
are ok?yes that's the way it should be IIRCThank you - I will read up about this - so just to get it correct - all changes to be made for anything are to be in templates, but changes to file/etc/mail/spamassassin/
are ok?
Thank you @heutger for your reference of Invaluement - I am right now testing these out. In the meantime, there were a few questions I had from your Advancing setup and thought will ask you here
1. I notice that you are not using Greylisting - in the pmgconfig dump you have shared, yourpmg.mail.greylist = 0
is shown - maybe it changed over time - I have personally found that greaylist keeps away a bit of Spam - but have also found many mail servers are not complaint - What is your opinion here?
2. I notice you are not testing for SPF - I understand that a lot of people are not complaint, I would love to hear more about you on your setting ofpmg.mail.spf = 0
3. For TLS - you are using both TLS LOG and TLS Header - Can you elaborate more on these settings and how this helpspmg.mail.tlsheader=1
,pmg.mail.tlslog = 1
4. For PMG Verify Receivers, I am unable to find documentation - Does this require me to map each individual email id on the PMG servers?mg.mail.verifyreceivers = 550
5. Can you help me understand the setting and it's impact forpmg.mail.rejectunknown = 0
You're welcome, best wishes to Rob. Maybe he should negotiate with Proxmox team to offer his list with a special discount as an option to their subscription packages (maybe I should signup as a reseller for Proxmox and built the packages myself).
1. I already mentioned to Proxmox team (maybe @Stoiko Ivanov will discuss on that again, as it recently had been declined, but maybe times changed) that Greylisting in the current times (maybe 10+ years before it was different) is useless as been (usually) implemented. It result in somehow any mail get delayed, which is no good behavior in current times (where everything needs to be fast or e.g. timeouts may occur on password resets etc.). To "disable" Greylisting based on SPF also does not make sense as SPF is also no good solution. If enabled also -all rules apply, which may get you in trouble as SPF is not well implemented. Forwarded or group mails (also Proxmox had that issue BTW) would result in a reject on -all, some configured SPF and forgot about it (because of its useless state) and finally most spam reaching my inbox is from Google Mail, or Yahoo Mail, which is well DKIM signed and with valid SPF records, so it's no indicator for spam or no-spam any more. But(!) there is only one setup, which really makes much sense in conjunction with Greylisting, which I saw on rspamd, but isn't adopted by Proxmox (yet?). If a mail has a particular spam score (maybe with post-queue filtering that did not make sense or was somehow impossible, with pre-queue filtering it's possible now), greylist that mail and just that mail. You may ask why? So you may have three states of a mail: mail is (somehow seriously sure) ham, let's pass that one, fast and without any hassle, mail is (somehow seriously sure) spam, let's reject that, fast and without any hassle, mail is unsure, maybe spam or not, greylist that one with the benefit, that the sender need to retry and the hope, if the sender retry and the mail is really spam, the sender is now already listed on necessary blacklists, so it get then rejected or it's still unsure and maybe (with a higher percentage of success) ham, then let it pass. I call that conditional greylisting and that's the only way, I believe greylisting has an existential reason today.
2. As mentioned before and sorry for being such direct now, I believe in some of the current techniques are bullshit. This ones are: SPF, DKIM, DMARC (as result of SPF and DKIM), DANE, DNSSEC. The reasons are somehow the same (as mentioned in my posts) failed by design. And I really don't understand, why this failures are often done again and again, as e.g. SPF is killed by forwarding, mail groups, etc. DMARC has the same design failure and requires ARC to fix that. Why doing the same failure again and again? However, that's the reason, why I disabled SPF (on my commercial trial setup, on my private playground one it's sometimes enabled).
3. Just for debugging purposes. You may keep it off. I somehow used TLS log very often at the time of optimizing my TLS cipher suite setting.
4. Verify receivers needs to be supported by the destination server (and if exist the full path until the destination server). Then PMG will perform checks to such server(s), if the address get reported as unreachable or not, so you could safely reject a message for not existing recipients instead of having anyone in the flow sending NDR, which may result in getting your infrastructure recognized as backscatterer or more unserious and in Germany illegal any server in the path tries to report back and is unable to do so, finally resulting in suppressing the message without any response. Code 550 is hard, 450 would result in retries.
5. As documented unknown clients are rejected (should be enabled in my example configuration, isn't it?). However be careful with this setting and read my documentation on that. I changed the behavior on my commercial trial (not on my private playground) as the default setting provided by PMG (@Stoiko Ivanov maybe Proxmox should offer both options) is a FCrDNS check, so the client IP need to resolve to a hostname and vice versa this hostname need to resolve back to the same IP address. On particular clustered setups, that may fail so the check will result in unnecessary rejects. So I changed that in adjusting the template to reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname which only perform the IP to hostname check but omit the consistency check back to the IP address, which result in less false-positives. As PMG offers sometimes options like 450 or 550 (however not on all settings, I therefor did manually some more), PMG should also offer the harder or softer option of reject_client_hostname with rejectunknown.
Hope, that helps! ;-)
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