Added Disk Space but VM OS doesnt recognize it!


New Member
Jul 5, 2019
desktop disk vm.png proxmox console.png Hi,

I am running a VM of Desktop Ubuntu Mate 18.04
I chaged the diskspace from 9gb to 22gb.

However, in the VM itself, it still says it has only 9gb and therefore, is giving me low diskspace warnings!!!

Again, in Proxmox Hardware tab, it correctly notes 22gb disk, this after a full reboot.

What must I do to have the VM OS regonize the increased storage?

Thanks!desktop disk vm.png proxmox console.png
You need to tell your VM to expand it's file system to the bigger disk. Depending on how you installed it, it can be done simply by expanding the partition and then the file system or if you installed it with LVM you have to expand that.

I cannot tell you how to do that exactly in your Ubuntu VM but I guess there are plenty of guides out in the internet that explain how to accomodate Ubuntu to a bigger disk.