Add driver of RS2WC040 to Proxmox.

When I try to install Proxmox with the RS2WC040 Raid Controller Card. it doesn't work.

it stop to megasas init done.

is it possible to add the driver Hat Linux *&DownloadType=Drivers to the proxmox iso

Do you think it can resolved.


we already have a current megaraid_sas driver in the kernel, so it makes no sense to downgrade the current driver with a 4 year old version - means all new cards will stop working.

modinfo megaraid_sas

filename:       /lib/modules/2.6.32-27-pve/kernel/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_sas.ko
description:    LSI MegaRAID SAS Driver
author:         [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
version:        06.601.06.00
license:        GPL
srcversion:     BA55A79D5F5BF61017A97C4
but he's asking for an Intel raid card, it seems... is it an LSI rebrand/custom?
otherwise, guess megaraid_sas won't be useful to him...?


check the download link - megaraid_sas-v00.00.04.33
Thanks for your reply,I try a lot of thing, but same error. when I start the installation the screen freeze to " megasas init adapter done "I try with Proxmox version 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 same error. When I try to install debian impossible to let it install the raid controller driver. I even try to install VMware but i got the same trouble. What going wrong with this controller? I never had trouble with the RS2BL040.Is there a way for me to but the drivers directly on the installation CD. thanks again for your time.
search engine search show no particular troubles with that raid controller and debian, as you can check. It could be you unit. Did you test with some other OS?
Or can you swap it with another controller unit or model?
Otherwise, you could consider firmware update, contact proxmox support, contact intel support, or even disabling it and perhaps use mdraid (wheezy) - not recommended, of course...
