access proxmox from behind pfsense vm


New Member
Aug 7, 2017
I know this has probably been asked, but a search on multiple search engines and this forum didn't give me a good answer.

I am running proxmox with pfsense virtualized. I have non-virtualized systems that access the LAN and WAN through pfsense. Without giving proxmox a separate dedicated NIC card how can I give my LAN access?

If you have one physical network port on your PVE server, you can separate your networks by using VLANs and let pfsense route the traffic between those.
I currently have 6 network ports. Two WAN ports and four LAN ports. I have all the NICs setup in bridged mode using virtio. All the LAN ports have IP addresses like ->

I gave proxmox the IP and set it up on the 3rd virtual bride device. I still can't access proxmox web gui. I changed the /etc/network/interfaces file and /etc/hosts file.

Can I just give proxmox a static IP and it will be accessible from a LAN virtual bridge?
I got it working! Although with one small annoyance.. I can't use one of my LAN ports... which is basically what I didn't want.
A lot of missing info here, but a dedicated NIC is not required. You can do this using a virtual switch and VLANs.

Can you describe your current environment a little more? I assume you have a host with one NIC? Two? Then a virtual switch on the host and a physical switch connecting to the rest of your physical environment?
I have 2 WAN and 4 LAN ports all being used by Pfsense. Currently I set a static IP on one of the LAN ports and I am able to access Proxmox from that it appears to be working well with this configuration now. Any reason why this wouldn't be a good solution?