
  1. S

    [SOLVED] 401 Credentials failure when connecting to proxmox novnc websocket on private web

    The domains are the same internal network, but the IPs are different.(pve server:32.99:8006, web server:32.22:4200) Problem Statement: I called the /api2/json/access/ticket endpoint to retrieve the ticket and CSRFPreventionToken values. The ticket was used as a browser cookie, but I’m not sure...
  2. tweans

    [SOLVED] Proxmox mit nginx proxy manager und Website mit mehreren Websockets

    Hallo allerseits, erstmal ein fettes Lob an das Team von Proxmox. Ich habe es als "Nicht-Nerd" tatsächlich innerhalb weniger Tag geschafft, auf einem Rootserver mehrere VMs ans Rennen zu bringen, großartig! Momentan hänge ich aber leider seit Stunden an einem "klitzekleinen Restproblemchen"...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] Is there any way to autofill the vnc websocket password prompt?

    Hello What I need to do, is basically autofill (or make the password not required) when getting the novnc console via websockets) The setup is: Browser- nodejs proxy - proxmox In the browser I can't really do anything with it, because it's required before the pages render, and the vnc-ticket...
  4. G

    [SOLVED] 401permission denied - invalid PVEVNC ticket

    I'm trying to call the console from an external site. I have successfully called so far: GET / api2 / json / access / ticket POST /api2/json/nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/vncproxy I'm trying to call now GET / api2 / json / nodes / {node} / lxc / {vmid} / vncwebsocket but it gives me an error. I don't...
  5. F

    Embed Proxmox noVNC on external Website

    Hello, i have searched for a long time, but have not found an answer for this problem. The goal is to include a noVNC instance on a website where the virtual machines can be controlled. However, the Proxmox server should not be accessible from the outside, but only the page with the novnc...
  6. R

    xterm.js console doesnt set terminal size correctly

    Hi, The xterm.js terminal doesnt set the terminal size correctly causing the text to not wrap and overwrite the text on the current line The xterm.js console tries to set the tty size by sending "1:<cols>:<rows>:" over the websocket, however, this doesnt work Example: The actual tty size...
  7. J

    GET vncwebsocket doesnt seem to work

    no matter how or what i pass i always get NULL back or the error property is missing and is not optional while i did pass it. im using javascript to generate a curl command curl -X GET -k -b pveAuthcookie= (ticket gotten from access.ticket)...