
  1. B

    [SOLVED] V2V from Hyper-V

    I'm new to Proxmox and I'm working on migrating some VMs from Hyper-V over to Proxmox. I was able to migrate a Win11 VM without issue by exporting the VM from Hyper-V and converting the VHDX disk into the QCOW2 format and importing that into a new VM on my Proxmox server. However, when I tried...
  2. T

    V2V Proxmox 7.3 to VMware 6.0 6.5, 6.7

    Hello everyone! I have a question a client wants to make a V2V. It has some virtual environments VMware ESXI 6.0, 6.5 and 6.7. The reason for my consultation is to know if there is any document that endorses this V2V? I was reviewing Proxmox documentation and says that versions prior to 6.0...
  3. K

    ESXi VM Migration Failing

    I am following this guide for migrating V2V (VMware to proxmox): https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Migration_of_servers_to_Proxmox_VE I have exported the VM to .ovf/.vmdk and scp'd them over to proxmox. However, the qm command is failing. Output: root@proxmox1:~# qm importovf 200 /root/awstats2.ovf...