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    Spice problems

    Hello everyone, https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/disable-tls-for-spice-connections.139199/ this post is almost exactly my question. I have a VM running the spice agent and I'm using Remmina to connect via Spice. At first, it didn’t work. Then it worked for one evening, and now it's not...
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    Spice Probleme

    Hallo zusammen, https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/disable-tls-for-spice-connections.139199/ dieser Post ist fast genau meine Frage. Ich habe eine VM in der der spice agent läuft und nutze Remmina um die Verbindung via Spice herzustellen. Am Anfang hat das nicht funktioniert. Dann mal für...
  3. R

    Disable TLS for spice connections?

    Is it possible to completely disable TLS / certificates with spice connections? I'm using tailscale to "open up" my proxmox server, so I don't need tls for spice connections. Is there a way to disable tls?