snapshot issue

  1. A

    Checkbox for Excluding Disks from Snapshots

    Hi, are there any plans to introduce a checkbox like the one for backups that excludes disks from snapshots? Or is detaching the disk still the current solution to this problem?
  2. E

    How restore a deleted snapshot VM

    Hey guys. I accidentally delete a snapshot VM. How can I restore this snapshot?
  3. K

    [SOLVED] Snapshot failed with exit code 2: Permission denied

    I've tried searching around for this one, but being new to Proxmox and Linux once again is proving to be a learning curve. Made my first CT (LXC), using debian-11-standard_11.3-1_amd64.tar.zst to run pi-hole. I've attached the full log of just trying to snapshot this machine by itself. For...
  4. S

    Snapshots on LMV-thin stopped working after failed backup job

    I have a VM (id=100) that runs OpenMediaVault - NAS server with CIFS shares. For the past 117 days everything was working properly, the backups were done every night with no errors. I initiated manual backup of this VM - and it failed. Here's the event log: INFO: starting new backup job...
  5. R

    VM disks corrupt after reverting to snapshot

    Hi! In the past days, we've had three separate VMs where the disk of the VM was corrupt after reverting to a snapshot. On one of these, we had reverted to this snapshot before, succesfully. All three VM's are on Ceph storage. The settings are mixed - two Windows VMs with a virtio driver, one...
  6. T

    [SOLVED] Cloned CT delete the origin CT snapshots

    I create a CT named ct0(1000) as my base ct, and it has one snapshot named snap0. Then I clone a CT named ct1(1001) from ct0 'current' (not from any snapshot), There are identical snapshot in ct1, the same as ct0, but I DID'T create it manually. WHEN I DELETE THE snap0 IN ct1, THE SNAPSHOTS IN...