shrink disk

  1. O

    [SOLVED] Vollständige Pfad zu den Images, um diese zu verkleinern

    Hallo zusammen aktuell versuche ich, ein bestehendes Image innerhalb von Proxmox zu verkleinern. Im Betriebssystem habe ich bereits den belegten Platz reduziert. Im zweiten Schritt wollte ich über die Kommandozeile mit der Funktion qemu-img dass das Image verkleinern. Aktuell scheitere ich...
  2. J

    Shrink VM disk

    I need to shrink a VM disk from 70GB to 55GB, the disk is a .raw The VM is a windows 11 and its storage is already 53GB
  3. Z

    How to shrink a drive

    I accidentally resized a drive to big on a vm because i meant to make the vm size 575gbs but accidentally added 575 instead so how would I go about shrinking that because my LVM doesnt have that much storage
  4. X

    [SOLVED] How to shrink mount point in proxmox ve?

    Hi, I tryed to shrink the size of the data mountpoint for my cloud service vm. As I tryed around with resize option in the resource overlay I ended up with an increas from 200GB to 300GB. Is there an option to decreas it to 100GB by the overlay or do I need to do some freakn' shit in the...
  5. G

    Reduce VM disk size

    I have migrated a physical (running) Windows PC to Proxmox with VMware Converter creating a "vmdk" file. After that I have created a new VM on my Proxmox server and modified the VM configuration to point to that "vmdk" file. The VM worked fine and I have moved the disk to an LVM on my Proxmox...