
  1. Z

    Problems with post install script

    I installed a freshly downloaded version of proxmox VE 8.3-1 and tried to run the post install script bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" from unfortunately, it failed and I got the...
  2. B

    Edit backup job via CLI

    Hi guys! I wonder how to edit existing pbs job via cli? I can create tasks with pvesh but how abiut editing them? For example I need to transfer couple of hundreds backup jobs from one datastore to another. How do I do that?
  3. D

    [TUTORIAL] Proxmox Backup Server PBS automatisch via WOL starten und stoppen

    hier meine 5 cent um einen externen Proxmox Backup Server automatisch bei jedem Backup-Job sicher zu starten, das Backup-Storage zu aktivieren und wieder aus zu schalten. Anregungen und meinen Dank gehen an diesen Beitrag. Als Vorbereitung ist es wichtig das man zum PBS mittels ssh-key Zugang...
  4. Z

    Run script on incoming email address?

    I did some light searching, so my apologies if this was already asked or is already in the documentation. I'm looking to run a command line script (bash) when a specific account receives an email. So, if a dedicated inbox such as receives an email, a script would be called...
  5. U

    [SOLVED] Issues During Install on Fresh Debian 11

    I am installing Proxmox from the repositories over a fresh Debian bullseye-backports image. I'm using this cloud image daily build: The specific version of the image is: debian-11-backports-genericcloud-amd64-daily.qcow2 I...
  6. M

    [SOLVED] ProxmoxVE 7.2 - Can't run bash scripts

    Hey guys, total newbie to linux and proxmox and trying to setup my first server to play around and learn. I was able to follow along to get everything up and running, and I'm able to connect to the GUI via webrowser, but I'm not able to run any bash scripts (I've tried a post-proxmox install...