
  1. W

    Add PVE users with SaltStack

    Anyone know how to manage proxmox users with SaltStack? I disable password for users by default in my Salt Config and all other PAM accounts use key based auth. This means I can't use PAM accounts for the web interface. I have a salt state which installs and preconfigures ProxMox, but how can I...
  2. Y

    PVE API for cloud-init drive

    hey guys, I'm working on extending current salt cloud module to support cloud-init (for qemu new vm's/clones) from a first look, looks quite simple, just add ide[n] config with the following for example: "ide0" : "local:101/vm-101-cloudinit.qcow2,media=cdrom" (this varies based on the next...
  3. M

    Saltstack LXC Deployment not working

    Hi, we want to use salt cloud provider to deploy lxc & qemu. I am able to connect to the proxmox host, am able to list images and nodes, but when I try to deploy a container, I get following error: [DEBUG ] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: /var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc [DEBUG ]...