
  1. E

    Using Terraform to snapshot and rollback VMs?

    I was wondering if anyone has been able to snapshot/rollback VMs with terraform (specifically with the bpg provider). And if not, how else have you done it? I was thinking either through the CLI or Proxmox API, you could automate the process but I wasn't sure which would be easier/less error prone
  2. I

    how i can downgrade proxmox 8.0.4 kernel 6.2 to 5

    i have stability issues on nodes with high cpu load and i would move back the to kernel was on 7.4. what is the best approach ? i am on pve 8.0.4 kernel 6.2.16-14
  3. M

    How to clean old ZFS rpool/ROOT/pve-1 rollback points?

    Hi, I can't find anything here and in the docs and I noted that my rootdisk is slowly filling up with ZFS rpool snapshots / rollback points. I admit I never had to use them, and I'm sure they are useful .. But I don't need rollback to before Christy and I haven't found a way to configure a...
  4. P

    [SOLVED] Cannot roll back VMs

    Dear Proxmox Users and Maintainers / Developers, I cannot seem to roll back (maybe only some) VMs. The full rollback log is: Logical volume "vm-196-disk-0" successfully removed. WARNING: You have not turned on protection against thin pools running out of space. WARNING: Set...
  5. H

    How to continue the ZFS incremental storage replication (and avoid a full/base sync) after rolling back a guest

    There is a way to continue PVE-ZFS storage replication as usually after rolling back a guest without having to do a full/base synchronization? I haven't been able and I haven't find nothing on the internet neither. I have tried: to prune dataset snapshots in the hot spare machine to match the...
  6. R

    [SOLVED] IPv4 access lost after VM snapshot rollback

    Hi, I had a problem after upgrading one of my VMs to Debian 11 so I made a rollback followed by a VM restart. Now the VM has lost it's IPv4 address, only IPv6 is available: My Proxmox version in use is: 6.4-14 Any ideas how this could happen and how I can get back the IPv4 address?
  7. B

    vm rollback in hookscript

    Hello, I want to auto rollback when vm is stop. the same as PXE. use hookscript: my $cmd ="qm rollback $vmid snapshot"; ...... ....... elsif($phase eq 'post-stop') { print "$vmid stopped. Doing cleanup.\n"; system($cmd); Both tasks will lock the vm at the same time,and post error GUEST...
  8. DynFi User

    Auto-restoring from VM snapshot

    Hello, I am looking for a way to automate the restoration of a snapshoted VM to it's snapshoted initial state. This is a testing environment that we provide to our prospect and I would like to kick back every night at a giveng time to the snapshotted version. Do you know how I can : list...
  9. Y

    Snapshot Rollback + Replication issue

    Hello, i have notice this issue: if i try to rollback to a zfs snapshot when proxmox5 replication are active, i can't, it's fail with error: more recent snapshot. So i have to stop and remove replication.. and finally rollback. I'm wrong or is it the only way to rollback ? Thanks!
  10. B

    Rollback failed unable to restore CT

    Hi! I have a server with proxmox installed. I set up the dayli auto snapshot. Today I try to rollback to a snapshot but it failed, because of my disk full. I remove a few snapshot, but my CT doesn't start. I try to rollback, but failed also: lvremove 'pve/vm-100-disk-1' error: Failed to find...
  11. R

    how to roll back / remove updates from p-ve: 5.0-21 to pve: 5.0-18

    Hi, I want to revert back pve updates to previous state, please guide Current Version #pveverison -v proxmox-ve: 5.0-21 (running kernel: 4.10.17-3-pve) pve-manager: 5.0-31 (running version: 5.0-31/27769b1f) pve-kernel-4.10.17-2-pve: 4.10.17-20 pve-kernel-4.10.15-1-pve: 4.10.15-15...