remove node from cluster

  1. R

    Safest way to upgrade 7.0 cluster to 8.1 and add new nodes afterwards

    Hello! I am in the situation where I have to (rather: want to) upgrade and then extend my Proxmox cluster, which currently consists of two nodes (pve01 and pve02) with the same hardware (server model, CPU, RAM, network cards, disks) which are running several important (of course!) VMs and...
  2. Y

    Not able to remove cluster node

    I deployed a third node and tried to add it to the cluster, but the process failed. When I run pvecm nodes, only the two existing nodes are shown; the new node does not appear. However, it is visible in the GUI interface. How can I remove the dead server from the list if it's not showing in the...
  3. K

    [SOLVED] How to temporarily take nodes out of the cluster

    Hi there, What's the recommended way to take a node out of the cluster temporarily? - say if 1 node gets blacklisted etc. and you need to stop it sending emails. I thought about shutting down the VPS but that breaks the Cluster menu on the Master UI. Also thought about simply stopping the...
  4. B

    PVE - Remove one node from ceph cluster

    Hello, I have a PVE cluster with ceph installed. My ceph cluster is so composed: -node1: ceph manager, ceph monitor and osd -node2: ceph manager, ceph monitor and osd -node3: ceph manager, ceph monitor and osd -node4: ceph manager, ceph monitor and osd I need to remove one node(either ceph and...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] Deleted node still visible in web/corosync.conf

    I removed a node from a two node cluster. I first had to set quorum_votes: 2 inside /etc/pve/corosync.conf on the remaining node. pvecm delnode pvec1n2 worked perfectly. The removed node is offline and not connected to the network. However the deleted node is still visible as a red entry on the...
  6. M

    [SOLVED] Split brain resolution after running one cluster member as standalone

    I have a rather strange question, and a nice use case. Cluster of 3 nodes on PVE 6.4-13, being moved offsite but not together. CONTEXT: Because of reasons, they cannot move all three nodes at once, so instead they will move first only one (A), then the other two(B&C). Adding on top of this...
  7. S

    How does restarting a deleted node break a cluster

    Hi, According to: It states the following: Important As mentioned above, it is critical to power off the node before removal, and make sure that it will not power on again (in the existing cluster network) with...
  8. P

    Removing "main" node from cluster

    Hi, I checked the whole documentation about removing node from cluster and in general as I can see that is straightforward process. But, I have one question becasue I can't find that in documentation. I have 4 nodes in cluster, and I want to remove two, because that two which I want to remove is...
  9. I

    Feedback on admin guide - removing node from cluster

    In the current version of the admin guide, the instructions on removing a node from a cluster ( are missing a vital piece of info - existing replication jobs (and perhaps more, but at least this). If you fail to...
  10. B

    how to removing a machine from the server and rename others?

    We are removing a machine from our cluster and wanted to rename others. Should we remove the machine from the cluster when connected or can it be done when it is offline? Also I found some links to rename the hosts but what is the good way to do it without reinstalling and resetting the licenses?
  11. R

    [SOLVED] Replication Job löschen der auf entferne Node zeigt

    Hallo zusammen, ich musste ein paar Veränderungen an unserem Cluster vornehmen, bei dem per storage replication (lokales ZFS) die VMs zwischen den Nodes repliziert werden. Eine Node musste ich dabei aus dem Cluster entfernen und habe sie neu aufgesetzt und sicherheitshalber unter neuem Namen...
  12. ssaman

    Node aus CEPH und Cluster entfernen

    Hallo zusammen, wir sind gerade dabei unseren Cluster Stück für Stück abzubauen. Es ist ein 5 Node-Cluster. Davon wollen wir 2 entfernen. Bisher haben wir keine Erfahrung mit der Entfernung von Nodes, deshalb wollten wir auf Nummer sicher gehen und fragen hier nach. Wir würden wie folgt...
  13. J

    Ghost VM after hardware node crash

    Hello, I am experiencing a problem after a disk failure of a server. On a cluster of 8 servers, the hard disk of one of them broke down. I removed this machine from the cluster (pvecm delnode node_name). Since, this machine continues to appear in the web interface while it is no longer listed...
  14. T

    Removing node from cluster does not remove it from gui.

    Hello After removing a node from my proxmoxcluster, it still shows up in my cluster with a white x on it. I tried restarting corosync and pveproxy as well as the filesystem. I see that there is still an entry for the deleted node in /etc/pve/corosync,conf, however I am unable to edit this file...