
  1. S

    Massive performance improvement in Linux 6.12

    Is there any plan to support linux 6.12 for an incremental release? Or perhaps the next major release. There have been some massive performance improvements merged into 6.12 and, especially for virtualization tooling, it would be a shame to miss out on these. I am new here, so I am not as...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] SDN | DHCP Plugin für VLAN Zonen

    Hallo zusammen, da ich aktuell eine Netzwerkumstrukturierung plane, würde ich gerne das DHCP Plugin für eine VLAN Zone verwenden. Gibt es einen abschätzbaren Zeitraum in welchem wir eine Implementation des DHCP Plugins für VLAN Zonen erwarten können? Danke im voraus :) VG
  3. E

    VE Enterprise Repository - how "much" tested is it, how much jumps minor-to-minor?

    I am aware of the docs [1] which state that: - the Enterprise repo "contains the most stable packages and is suitable for production use" - the No-Subscription repo contains packages that "are not as heavily tested and validated" - the Test repo has "latest packages and is primarily used by...
  4. L

    proxmox hold release to 7.3

    Hello, I would like to stick promox apt repository (pve-nosubscription) to 7.3 and go to 7.4 when I decide it's stable enough. Anyone know how to do this ?
  5. C

    Is there any way to download older releases?

    Is there any link to download old version releases?
  6. C

    [SOLVED] Latest Ceph release 14.2.7

    Hi, can you please confirm when the latest Ceph release 14.2.7 is available? Regards Thomas
  7. C

    [SOLVED] Lastest Ceph release 14.2.6 to fix MGR bug

    Hi, can you please comment by when you will release latest Ceph 14.2.6? This is a hotfix release primarily fixing a regression introduced in v14.2.5, all nautilus users are advised to upgrade to this release. Notable Changes --------------- * This release fixes a `ceph-mgr` bug that caused...
  8. R

    Curl current proxmox release version from web

    Bit weird but I'm setting up various scripts that announce when software is due for an update - mainly so I can check release notes before applying. Is there somewhere I can reliably get (curl or similar) the latest release number from - so the script can use it to compare it to pveversion.
  9. S

    Spam Quarantine - releasing by sender

    Greetings, Imagine that sends a message to 20 users. Message gets high SA score and is moved to spam quarantine. You are the admin and needs to release it. First, you need to track the message, write down all the receivers, go to spam quarantine and use that drop down E-mail...
  10. R

    Proxmox 4.2 Release Data (beta)

    Any information for the release date of 4.2 ? some date information? or is there some beta stuff? Best regards, Olli
  11. R

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu 16.04 Template on

    Hi, Thanks for the fast answer. on the server ( ) on this download server i see ubuntu 16.04, how can i download it into promox? i use the command pveam update but i see nothing in the the template download in the proxmox...
  12. R

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu 16.04 Template for Proxmox 4.1

    Hi, Is there any Ubuntu 16.04 Template for Proxmox 4.1 available? or is there a release date for this new template? i would like to use new Ubuntu 16.04 short term. it would be nice to have a template for ubuntu 16.04 in short time. Maybe someone can help me. Best regards, Olli