
  1. X

    Bypass spamassassin rule per domain.

    Hello, One of our collaborators entered to the Raptor RBL and SpamAssassin applies this rule: KAM_FROM_URIBL_PCCC 9 From address listed in PCCC WILD RBL (https://raptor.pccc.com/RBL) Meanwhile our collaborator manages the de-listing process we need to find a quick solution to deliver...
  2. L

    Whitelist DNSBL

    Add a network sender in whitelist on "Configuration>Mailproxy>Whitelist" so that it would be ignored in the RBL filter but it still continues to reject emails. What else could I be doing to cause the IP to be ignored? Log: 2024-04-19T14:58:06.638412-03:00 aspmx1...
  3. L

    skip DNSBL

    I have some senders that use bulk sending tools, and some of the service's IPs are listed in RBLs. Thus blocking some emails and receiving others, I would like to know how to permanently release all emails received from this domain? Remembering that I already used the Configuration>Mail...
  4. Z

    [SOLVED] RBL Whitelist

    I am currently using Abusix and a certain IP has been marked as reject/disconnect. Our client needs their emails and the listed IP isnt abused and just needs to be cleared from Abusix DB. I did see this: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-whitelist-hosts-ip-addresses-in-postfix...