
  1. U

    Email Stuck in Queue

    I am encountering a Gmail email address recipient which has the following error: 452-4.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota The email is now in the queue being retried periodically. It has now been more than a day. What is the final timeout when a bounce message is sent...
  2. K

    Proxmox Mail Gateway DMARC / Postqueue

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe momentan das Proxmox Mail Gateway in der Version 7.3-6 im Einsatz. Zudem habe ich opendkim und opendmarc installiert und an Postfix angeschlossen. Soweit funktioniert auch alles. Jedoch habe ich im opendmarc Daemon eingestellt, dass die DMARC-Policy ausgewertet werden...
  3. T

    Number of mails in Queue - daily status report mail

    I would like to add to the daily status report mail information about the number of e-mails in the queue for each of the servers in the cluster, is it possible? br Piotr
  4. E

    Warteschleife Verwendung zweck?

    Hallo, Ich habe da eine Frage bzw. kenn mich nicht ganz aus. Verwende Seit einiger Zeit Mailgateway ohne Probleme doch mir ist was unklar. Für was genau ist die Warteschleife da, denn wenn zb. der MX Offline ist von Mailhoster gehen die E-mails zwar in die Warteschleife wie Sie reinkommen aber...
  5. F

    How to change virtio-pci tx/rx queue size

    Hello everyone, i'm having issue with RX drop on the guest vm ifconfig interface after do some searching, it might caused by the virtual interface ring buffer because default value is 256, i want to try to change the value to 1024 as suggested at Intel Networking Documentation i also already...
  6. R

    flush queue with email original date/time

    Hi everyone, I have a question. I'm testing Proxmox Mail Gateway and so far I'm very happy with the product. I noticed that, if for some reason there is an email queue, when I force the delivery in "administration - queues - flish queue" .. the emails are delivered but with the date/time of the...
  7. D

    Delete messages in Queue

    I would like to know if there is a way to only delete certain messages in a queue en mass. I have some messages building up in the queue but I don't necessarily want to delete them all, only the ones that I know are dead and will go no where. Is there anyway for me to granularly delete...
  8. R

    PMG - Queue Administration

    Hello friends, I'm having a very big problem with messages in queue, this is getting huge queue of valid emails, how can I solve this problem? something that I configured wrong? .... someone had this problem? I'm also having problems with emails from @ gmail.com getting in the box as spam and...
  9. I

    Multiple delivery problem

    I have a multiple delivery of the same message problem. The message successfully enters the queue, but after the postfix transfers the message to the smtp filter, the message doesn't leave the active queue. This causes the message to be sent again every time the postfix is restarted by the...