pxe boot

  1. E

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 PXE Boot

    Liebe Community ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich möchte in einer VM Windows über PXE Boot installieren. Wenn ich das ganze versuche komme ich immer in den Setup Screen, in welchem die Fehlermeldung: "WdsClient: Fehler beim Abrufen der IP-Adresse vom DHCP-Server...." erscheint. Ich habe schon...
  2. J

    Setting up a PXE Server VM

    I want to create a PXE server/service using a VM I'll build on Proxmox (I'm planning to use Ubuntu Server 20.04, but I'm open to any better suggestions.). My home router already provides DHCP for the local LAN, but most of the tutorials I've seen for setting up a PXE server require ensuring the...
  3. S

    Automated / Unattended install via ISO method?

    Hi All - newbie to Proxmox here. My apologies if this has been covered here, but I've spent the last 2 days searching for an answer to this... I'm automating PXE install of Proxmox ISO (6.1) via the Digital Rebar Platform (DRP) solution. I have the install working, after a I "re-master" the...
  4. Baader-IT

    [SOLVED] VM One-Time-Boot

    Hallo, we want to install some VM's automatically. For this we have created a shell script which use the qm create command to create the VM. qm create $ID -name $NAME -bootdisk scsi0 -scsi0 NVME:$DISK1SIZE -scsihw virtio-scsi-pci -scsi1 HDD:$DISK2SIZE -memory 8192 -ostype l26 -sockets $SOCKETS...
  5. P

    Adding Proxmox 5 installation via PXE

    Hey, I've been looking for a guide and found few that didn't work. I have a TFTP server running ubuntu 12.04. all the boot able ISO's are in /var/lib/tftpboot/ i have tried to extract LINUX26 and INITRD.IMG and configuring the defaults in /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/defaults . Can anyone...
  6. Y

    PXE boot of guest not working anymore (since 5.0)

    Hi, In installed from scratch my server with Proxmox 5.0, in 4.4 I was able to PXEboot my guest. Since I'm now in 5.0 it does not work anymore. I had also problem to configure the OVS (my config from 4.4 was not working anymore :-( ). I can see some other users having network problems. Anyone...