
  1. S

    PVE Spice Minial Linux ISO

    Hey guys, is there like a minimal Linux ISO with just the capability to connect to my hosted pve vm via Spice? I tried now a lot and i wont work, especially not the ThinClient minimal isos, they all have a lot of tools installed, but not one has Spice or Virt-Viewer. Dont work ThinClient ISOs...
  2. A

    Cluster just to allow migration

    I have several servers (nods), and would like to connect them under single management. It'll be very poor man setup and the single management should be only for migrating VMs at will (very rare case). Right now, these nodes are set up independent and each hosts very specific VMs on it (very few...
  3. E

    Can't restore from PVE 4 to PVE 5

    Create snapshot on PVE 4 to QEMU instance and copy by scp to PVE 5 (with zfs storage with raid 1) and can't restore snapshot. pveversion -v proxmox-ve: 5.1-25 (running kernel: 4.13.4-1-pve) pve-manager: 5.1-35 (running version: 5.1-35/722cc488) pve-kernel-4.13.4-1-pve: 4.13.4-25...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] PVE 5 installation - Cannot get past the Location and Timezone screen

    Hello, I tried to install PVE 5.0 and PVE 5.1 from a bootable usb (created with Etcher), but I cannot get past the Location and Timezone screen. The country, timezone and keyboard layout values are correctly detected when I get on the Location and Timezone screen, however clicking on the Next...