pve 6.3-2

  1. S

    [SOLVED] (pve-apt-hook) You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'!

    Guten Morgen liebe Proxmox Versierte :) Ich habe ein Problem.. Klar, sonst würde ich wahrscheinlich hier nicht schreiben. Ich bin gerade am Ende meiner Ausbildung und dabei mein Abschlussprojekt zu bearbeiten. Dabei soll es sich um ein Lab für andere Azubis handeln. Logischerweise wird das mit...
  2. K

    PVE in 2 subnets with 1 NIC?

    Hi, I'm new to Proxmox and don't have that much Linux experience... I have an intel NUC which is running Proxmox VE. It has the IP address Then I have a NAS with the IP address I wanted to create a new PVE disk which is network share on the NAS. This failed so far...
  3. J

    Cannot backup to directory mounted at zfs filesystem

    PVE 6.3-3 I created zfspool "NC.VM.Backups.zfspool" under the parent zfspool "Nextcloud.Storage". I then tried to mount a directory at that site, but cannot select it as a backup target. INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 69420 --remove 0 --mode snapshot --node TracheServ --compress zstd...
  4. J

    Backups failed, unable to create temporary directory - command 'df -P -T -B 1 /Directory/dump' failed: exit code 1

    My backups failed after moving them to a different directory on a zfspool. Here's what my config looks like, any ideas? () INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 400 600 900 --quiet 1 --mailto jsalas424@gmail.com --compress zstd --mailnotification failure --mode snapshot --storage...
  5. D

    [Bug] Periodically Missing Tabs on Storage Volumes in v6.3-2

    After upgrading to v6.3-2 from v6.2-12 I am quite regularly unable to upload to any of my volumes, because of a GUI bug that seems to cause those tabs to vanish. Sometimes they never appear, in this GIF they actually vanished and appeared a couple times. This GIF shows this occurring:
  6. D

    Clout-Init Drive Prevents Restore

    I am unable to restore VMs that have cloud-init drives in 6.3-2. These are being backed up to a CIFS share, and restored to an NFS share. Log entry when I try this: restore vma archive: zstd -q -d -c /mnt/pve/backups/dump/vzdump-qemu-1002-2020_12_04-08_20_28.vma.zst | vma extract -v -r...
  7. J

    How to properly setup Postfix email notifications?

    I followed the steps outlined here: https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/5nzmm3/setting_up_the_proxmox_email_alerts/ and these https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/proxmox-setup-for-gmail.13405/ to no avail I got a 2FA password from google as well and that is included here, but don't worry...