pve 5.4

  1. V

    [SOLVED] Grub-install error - unknown filesystem

    Hello! I've faced strange error while replacing failed disk on old PVE appliance (5.4). After appliying sgdisk -R and sgdisk -G on new disk I've initiated resilver on a new disk and meanwhile I've wanted to install grub on first partition of new hdd. But grub-install failed with error: unknown...
  2. W

    Excessive Inode Consumption and /etc/lvm/archive

    Some of you have probably seen these threads below: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/apt-get-update-autoremove-failed-no-space-left.91867/ https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/an-help-to-free-inode-usage-on-my-servers.69730/ I am experiencing a similar problem - but not due to Samba. I have...
  3. T

    Tausch aller OSDs

    Hallo alle zusammen, wir haben noch einen Proxmoxcluster PVE5.4 mit Ceph Luminous. In den nächsten Wochen wollen wir alle HDD-OSDs nacheinander gegen SSDs tauschen. Bevor ich hier etwas zerlege... gibt es einen Workaround oder eine Dokumentation zum Tausch von OSDs.? Vermutlich ist es über die...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Cluster lost quorum after last update

    Hello, We are running a simple cluster of two nodes ( pve 5.4.13). After last update ans reboot of the two nodes, cluster lost quorum after few minutes. We made several tests and tried many solutions showed in this forum with no luck. omping command ran on two nodes returned this ...
  5. V

    [TUTORIAL] Configuring Fusion-Io (SanDisk) SX300, SX350 and PX600 cards with Proxmox

    !!! Disclaimer !!! This guide is yet to be tested. Looking for an owner of SX300, SX350 or PX600 cards to test this on a live platform and smooth out all the inconsistencies. The problems Fusion-Io drivers were designed with Enterprise OSs in mind (RHEL, SLES, ESXi, etc). Later on Sandisk was...
  6. S

    nfs-kernel-server in LXC, Dienst startet nicht mehr nach PVE-Update

    Hallo, ich nutze seit über einem Jahr Proxmox VE. Bisher ohne Probleme. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich meine gesamte virtuelle Umgebung dorthin umgezogen. Nun habe ich letze Woche eine Subscription erstanden und heute morgen den Updateprozess von PVE gestartet. Das lief auch alles ohne...
  7. V

    [TUTORIAL] Configuring Fusion-Io (SanDisk) ioDrive, ioDrive2, ioScale and ioScale2 cards with Proxmox

    Foreword and update The guide was long overdue for an update, but luckily yesterday i've managed to test a couple of things that allow me to be quite certain that the setup is stable and can be used in production. Several notes. The drivers are based on snuf drivers. From my experience with...
  8. S

    [SOLVED] Network problem to external switch

    hey there, i have some problem with the new version PVE 5.4, after installing pve to server and giving an IP, i can't ping gateway, can't ping outside and inside.. it only happen when i connect it from server(port1, vmbr0) to switch(non managed, no vlan), although no ip conflict~ if i connect...