
  1. L

    create storage failed: pvcreate error ... device is too small (pv_min_size) (500)

    Hello, I'm in the process of setting up a HP MSA2040 SAN to work with Proxmox. As I just started using a SAN, I have a little over zero knowledge of these things, so there most probably will be errors in my setup (or terms I don't use correctly). Current status is: - MSA2040 is connected via...
  2. B

    Recurring issue harddrive () WARNING: dos signature detected on /dev/SSD/vm-115-disk-0 at offset 510. Wipe it? [y/n]: [n] Aborted wiping of dos.

    Hi Guys, Good afternoon I keep experiencing an issue with my mounted ssd not sure if you have any suggestion to fix it Here is the sequence I add my drives 1)fdisk -l 2)cfdisk /dev/(Diskname) 3)pvcreate /dev/(Diskname1) Select yes for Disk wipe 4)vgcreate (Name disk) /dev/(Diskname1)...
  3. R

    pvcreate /dev/sdb1 Device /dev/sdb1 not found (or ignored by filtering).

    Dear All, I'm using Intel Modular Server and ProxmoxVe 4.4. I created a shared lun for all the server and setup the multipath as showed in the wiki: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Intel_Modular_Server#Configure_Multi-Path_for_ProxMox_4.x I am trying now to be able to use the shared volume to...
  4. A

    Proxmox NAS Setup

    I have a server with the following SSD/HDD configuration: - 1x60 GB SSD as the primary storage medium for the OS. - 1x2 TB HDD that was my previous backup drive (I am thinking of replacing this one with another SSD for containers / VMs) - 5 TB HDDs that will become my storage and backup drives...