
  1. M

    Prune without defined retention: Concerning logs but are backups safe?

    Hello, I clicked "Run now" under Prune Jobs without having a retention policy defined. It correctly identified that I had "no prune selection", but then proceeded to tell me it was deleting every snapshot on the server. It ran faster than I think it would've if it was actually pruning anything...
  2. M

    Retention: Prune Job vs Datastore Config

    Hi, Within PBS, there are two places to configure retention: - in the config of the datastore during datastore creation (visible with sudo proxmox-backup-manager datastore show [datastore], don't know how to see in GUI) - when creating a prune job (web UI in the Prune & GC Jobs tab of the...
  3. H

    vzdump prune only

    My backup target filled up. Using other backup software in this situation, I would typically invoke a prune or retention process (also called a zero-byte backup w/ subsequent retention) which would usually bring it back from the cliff. Then I could adjust my retention settings to avoid this in...
  4. M

    proxmox backup scheduling

    Hello all. I have backups scheduled on my server, and also am using PBS to pull 'said' backups from the corp environment to the dr side. Pretty std stuff and both the main and remote sides are using the latest versions of software. Regarding the 'local/corp' backups. Whenever I have 'keep...
  5. D

    Are prune jobs needed if the backup job has retention settings?

    So I have backup jobs set up on the Proxmox GUI, under Datacenter and backups. Each of these jobs has retention settings defined. So is setting up a scheduled Prune job in PBS really needed?
  6. P

    [SOLVED] Prune & GC & Verify on encrypted Backups and are the Backups still incremental

    Hello, I want to store the backups of my PVE encrypted on my PBS. I am now wondering whether the pbs can still run a prune/verify/gc on the backups, since the pbs does not have an encryption key? My second question is whether the backups are still incremental at all?
  7. A

    Protected backups?

    Hello! Is there a way inside the PBS or PVE to set a specific backup as "protected", so that it will for example excluded from pruning jobs etc.? If so: where can i set it? Thank you in advance for answers! Best regards
  8. Y

    Custom prune setting for specific VM

    Hello, I have a VM which need drastically different backup retention. Is there currently a good way to setup retention per VM? I found some old threads (~2 year old) regarding this but it looked like this feature was not implemented. I guess one can leverage namespaces feature to workaround...
  9. C

    Datastore voll - GC kann nicht laufen

    Hallo, ich habe es übersehen und nun ist der Datastore voll. Habe einen Prune All gemacht, und die aufzuhebenden Backups angepasst. Leider kann die GC nicht mehr ausgeführt werden, da der Datastore voll ist. Kann man da was machen? Würde ungern meine Backups verlieren. VLG
  10. I

    Option to Delete Backups after VM was deleted

    Hey, is there an option to delete Backups after X days when a VM was deleted, or something similar. Example if unclear: Let's say we created some test VMs and delete them X days later. Then we still have our backups from those VMs until we create a new one with the same ID and wait till our...
  11. S

    unable to access non-existent chunk

    Hallo, ich habe im PBS (Backup Server 1.1-9) mehrere datastores angelegt. In einem der Datastores bekomme ich täglich tausende von Fehlermeldungen der folgenden Art: 2021-06-08T00:00:00+02:00: starting garbage collection on store dmz 2021-06-08T00:00:00+02:00: task triggered by schedule...
  12. D

    [SOLVED] "unexpected error on datastore traversal" error during garbage collection

    Hi, I'm running Proxmox Backup Server 1.1-2, with storage on iSCSI. Backups are running without problems, but I cannot prune any old backup because I get this error: 2021-04-28T07:33:53+02:00: starting garbage collection on store mydatastore 2021-04-28T07:33:53+02:00: Start GC phase1 (mark...
  13. I

    [SOLVED] Unable to prune

    Hi all I have set up a few days ago a PBS and configured backup tasks from my proxmox servers. After a few days I have setup a prune schedule and run garbage collector however I see no decrease in the occupied storage. Is there a way to tell if the pruning was successful? Do I need to perform...
  14. R

    Removing Backups older than 7 Days

    Hey, i have Backups for 2 weeks now and i want to delete Backups older than 7 Days, my Prune Settings are the following: When i start the Garbage Collection, i get: Removed garbage: 0 B Removed chunks: 0 What i am understanding and doing wrong? Thanks :)