
  1. M

    API: get running replications (before node update)

    Hello, currently I'm writing an ansible / python / proxmoxer update script for my 2,5-node(*) cluster using the webapi for proxmox. Before I start an update for a node, I set the maintainence mode and disable all replication jobs. I can get all replication jobs via webapi - but how can I check...
  2. E

    [SOLVED] [Workaround] How to refer via API to a downloaded image file stored in the images folder?

    I am trying to automate creation of my Ubuntu VM in Proxmox using Ansible, proxmoxer, and cloudinit. I've seen (old) tutorial videos download the Ubuntu cloudinit IMG file to the /var/lib/vz/images path and then successfully use the image file by using the volume name...
  3. D

    AGPLv3 License Question

    Hello Proxmox Gurus! I'm an engineer working for a company that's looking to move away from VMware products and we're exploring Proxmox as a virtualization solution. In short, I'm looking to confirm that AGPLv3 is compatible with our product. Specifically, our product imports the PVE API...
  4. T

    How to set up env variables while cloning a template using proxmoxer library in python

    Hi all, i need help to know that how to set up env variables while cloning a template using proxmoxer library in python I am cloning a template(Ubuntu) to create new vm's and i want to to set CLIENT_ID=client1/2/3.... env var in it
  5. R

    How to clone with a proxmoxer VM from one node to the other node with a new name

    Hey guys, I have been looking for a way to clone a VM from one node to another with a proxmoxer library in Python, I have managed to set a connection to promox cluster. However, I have not found any way so far to clone the VMs, here is the code I have so far: def connect_proxmox(dc):proxmox =...
  6. K

    Migration script from oVirt/RHEV to Proxmox

    Hi, I successfully managed to migrate 200+ Linux VMs from oVirt/RHEV to Proxmox by utilizing oVirt and Proxmox APIs. I thought that i share the script since i guess that others are in the same situation as myself. Script does no changes to the oVirt environment more than initiate shutdown of...
  7. S

    API how to use 'GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full' via HTTP/proxmoxer

    Hello, How can I use HTTP style of CLI : pvesh get /nodes/{node}/qemu --full GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full ? here is working example from proxmoxer wrapper but without "full" def vm_current_all(targetnode): x = proxmox.nodes(targetnode).qemu().get() return x
  8. M

    Issue with community.general.proxmox (Ansible)

    Is anyone else having issues with the community module for Ansible? Seems broken. I've logged a bug here would love to hear from the community if anyone else is experiencing this and has a fix.
  9. S

    ansible LXC creation

    Heyo, playing with ansibles community.general.proxmox modul. Trying to create simples LXC: --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Create new LXC community.general.proxmox: node: "my node" api_user: "my user" api_token_id: "my id" api_token_secret: "my token"...
  10. V

    Proxmoxer possibily expire token

    Hi I integrated proxmox with cuckoo thanks to the use of proxmoxer, but after a few hours I have the error related to the lack of authentication: raise AuthenticationError ("Couldn't authenticate user: {0} to {1}". format (self.username, self.base_url + "/ access / ticket")) in...
  11. J

    Permissions necessary to update custom cert via API

    I'm trying to upload an SSL certificate via the API ({node}/certificates/custom) using the Proxmoxer Python API, with an API Token tied to the root user. I think I've gotten my code right, but am seeing the following error when I...