proxmox backup client

  1. J

    Improve restore speed with Proxmox Backup Server

    Hello, I would like to check if there's a way to improve the speed when restoring backups in my Proxmox using backups made through Proxmox Backup Server. I have a system with Proxmox Backup Server 3.2, where the datastore is a volume connected to a NAS via NFS. The NAS has a RAID 1 setup with...
  2. C

    [SOLVED] Physical Ubuntu Server with ZFS - backing up Pool

    Good Morning Folks - or Good Insert time of Day Here! I've gotten proxmox-backup-client installed on a ubuntu box - took some doing, but its installed and RUNNING!!! But I have an issue! I have a zfs pool mounted - called "BigPool" to /BigPool. Inside is /BigPool/Media and /BigPool/Shared...
  3. S

    Client side deduplication?

    Hey there, I've recently set up PBS to serve as a central backup server in my network, but I've run into quite an inconvenience: Whenever I make a backup of e.g. my home directory, it's taking quite a while since it has to transfer like 200+ gigs over the network. With about 120MBps (seemingly...
  4. A

    [SOLVED] Issue with backup client and restore of ubuntu server from PBS

    Hello! i am currently experimenting around with the backup client. In short i am trying to find a suitable way to backup servers from root-level that are NOT on PVE (means bare metal servers, not VMs.) I managed to install the backup client on my ubuntu 22.04 test system without problems and...
  5. J

    bug: (debug?) Logs from a larger backup from PB client cause the task window and browser tab to become unresponsive

    I suspect this is caused partially by how task detail window in webgui is implemented, and because Proxmox backup client-initated backup is very verbose at server-side. here is screen recording: Reproducer: 1. run proxmox backup of large enough...
  6. J

    Proxmox backup client install on Ubuntu 22.04

    Hello, I have a proxmox backup server that I want to use to backup around 10 standelone Ubuntu 22.04 servers. They do not run on Proxmox VE or anything else, just Ubuntu 22.02. For what I could find I have to install proxmox backup client on those standelone servers, but I got stuck at some...
  7. R

    Backup Client "Split Backups" - No such file or directory (os error 2)

    This is more of an "Am I just stupid" post. I have some legacy VMware VMs that I cannot move to Proxmox because of software licenses that are tied to (virtual) hardware. I have set up and configured our VMWare server to perform frequent backups. Of the /vmware mount point. It's standard stuff...
  8. V

    Proxmox Backup Client Uninstallable on latest Ubuntu

    Both me and a coworker are getting the following error when attempting to install proxmox-backup-client on the latest version of Ubuntu: Any idea on how to best resolve this package version discrepancy? Our attempts resulted in a broken machine.
  9. C

    [SOLVED] Incomplete execution of a backup script

    For a holiday Minecraft event, I have acquired a server through a third party (server at home does not have enough power). And I wanted to make a backup on my PBS every 4 hours, since it is located in my house network I have to connect via VPN to execute the backup and then disconnect again. I...
  10. A

    Proxmox Backup client Error: permission check failed.

    So, i configured a pbs and i also added proxmox backup client on a standalone machine and tring to take backup from the standalone machine to the pbs and i added this script to the client machine. I create a new user which is called CBackup i added an admin permission to the datastore/JU-BACKUP...
  11. M

    [SOLVED] proxmox-backup-client restore disk size

    Hi, If in PBS I backed up a VM which has a disk of 500Gb of which only 200 is used (the disk was created with the discard option), and then I use from PVE the command proxmox-backup-client restore to restore the single disk. Would it copy a full 500Gb disk or just a 200Gb one?
  12. T

    How to restore backup from PVS to physical host system?

    Hey guys, I understand we can use proxmox-backup-client to bakcup physical hosts to PBS, code: proxmox-backup-client backup root.pxar:/ --repository $REPOSITORY Example: in PVE host server, >_shell proxmox-backup-client backup root.pxar:/ --repository My issue is how...
  13. T

    Wiederholtes Backup von 2.2 TB mit Backup Client sehr lange

    Hallo zusammen. Ich benutze Backup Client, um 2.2TB HDD von Linux host auf PBS zu sichern. Der erste Backup hat 20h gebraucht. Das wäre auch ok. Jetzt läuft der zweite Backup und ich habe erwartet, dass es mindestens 10 Mal schneller passieren wird, aber nach 4.5 Stunden läuft es immer noch...
  14. S

    proxmox backup client for ubuntu 18.04

    Is there any supported proxmox backup client for ubuntu 18.04. I found thread but this doesnt seem to indicate the issue I get which is an incompatible libfuse3 I have the following in the...
  15. A

    Proxmox Client usage

    Hello Community! sorry in advance for this somewhat silly question but i cannot find the information i need and decided to ask here. I just recently found the PBS and i was wondering when exactly do i need to implement the backup client? Do i need to install the client for every server i want...
  16. powersupport

    How to integrate PBS server with CentOS client

    Hi, We have a server with PBS Backup Server 1.1-1, and a centos server with a backup client installed ./proxmox-backup/target/release/proxmox-backup-client version client version: 1.0.11 Can anyone advise how we can integrate these two servers? we need to back up the client VM to PBS server...
  17. P

    Client OS version requirements

    Hello, I was considering PBS to backup some bare metal and VM servers, then I came to client documentation and I see only a Debian 10 version and a quote I tested it on Debian 8 and Debian 9 and dependencies fail for both. FAQ says: But docs does not mention how to install client on other...
  18. P

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Backup Client Ubuntu: APT Pinning

    Hallo liebe Proxmox Community, wir haben ein Problem mit APT Updates und den Proxmox Repositories. Beschreibung der Umstände Wir sichern unsere Ubuntu Root-Server (18.04 und 20.04) mittels Proxmox Backup Client auf unseren Proxmox Backup Server (Root-Server Hetzner). Das Proxmox Backup Repo...
  19. F

    Proxmox-backup-client failed : Error: EACCES: Permission denied (500)

    Hello guys ! I rely on you because I have a problem ! I have 4 servers on which PBS is installed. On this 4 servers, two of them can no longer connect to PBS and their storages went to the status of "unknown" and when I go the "backup" tab, I read this error message ...
  20. S

    [SOLVED] Full backup with proxmox-backup-client

    Hi, For more security, I was wondering if it was possible to take an entire backup (not just incremental) with proxmox-backup-client ? Currently I am doing the backup incrementally, but in the event that the first backup is corrupted, I would like to have another FULL backup. Thanks!