
  1. M

    New install advices: multiple LxC or single with multiple docker containers for mqtt-zigbee2mqtt-HA?

    Hello all, I am a newbie in the Proxmox world or with VMs generally (and Linux generally), and would like to know if there are some advices to follow now before setting all in a wrong way. Here is my project with an old laptop as server (8 GB RAM, dual core): MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT and HA...
  2. K

    VM/LXC Initialisierungsscript Docker und Portainer

    Hallo zusammen, ich würde mir gern ein initiales Startup Script erstellen, welches ich in einem LXC Temlpate ergänze, um einen fertigen in Portainer gejointen Docker LXC erhalte. Soweit so gut... nun stecke ich jedoch bei der Nutzung der Portainer API fest. Bis dahin läuft alles wunderbar, nur...
  3. M

    Cifs share on stack docker

    hi all, I state that I am not an expert on proxmox and I am seeing many guides, I have followed the various posts to mount a cifs and give permissions to an lcx and from the console I can create folders (before I had access denied), having said that i created a stack on portainer for docker...
  4. S

    Well, I'm Back. I Should Have Never Left You Baby.

    After sorta getting bored, I wanted to try something new. And I wasn't super happy with a 3 node CEPH cluster even on a 10GBe storage backend. although the flexibility was very nice. Things still felt slightly laggy, so I decided to venture out. Prior to moving on I was running OMV 5.x and...