pmg 8

  1. V

    [SOLVED] missing log in token

    Hey, I have a problem with my px mailgateway. With a single user we have the problem that he has no log-in token. That's why he can't access his "web interface" to set his blacklist, for example. When he gets a spam mail notification from our gateway in the following pictu He just gets a...
  2. CarstenMartens

    Zwei Host für Transport via Relay Domain

    Hallo, für eine unsere Relay Domain wollen wir wegen Ausfallsicherheit zwei Hosts für den SMTP Versand der PMG angeben. Wie können wir das Bewerkstelligen. Die MX Einträge der Domain sind auf pmg1 und pmg2 bezüglich Ausfallschutz des Mail Gateways. Die Hosts für die Domain sind dom1w und...
  3. WORK-Microwave

    [WISH] Negation (NOT/EXCLUDE) of Object in Mail Filter

    Mail Filter in Proxmox Mail Gateway is powerful tool that have a lot of potential. I have been tuning Mail filter and I come across simple problem how to exclude some Object in the Filter. I am missing some parameter NOT/EXCLUDE when building Filter USE CASE Example: I want to remove dangerous...