
  1. L

    [SOLVED] KVM to KVM communication

    I am running Proxmox 4.2 fully patched with two KVM systems. The first is running Windows 10 Pro and the second is running FreeNAS 9.10. Each of the KVM's can be pinged by the Proxmox host and any other devices on the LAN. However, the two CANNOT ping (or any other network traffic) each...
  2. P

    Multiple IPs and Vms - Connection problems

    Hello, I'm running a Proxmox Virtual Environment 4.2-2. Additional I have installed three VM with Centos 7.2.1511 Everything is fine. I can reach my servers and ping from host to proxmox works too. The problem is, that I cant ping from an vm to another vm. Errorcode: No Route to Host. My...