pct enter

  1. M

    Ansible direct connection to containers using PVE as a proxy

    I'm using Ansible to connect to containers and VM's via SSH, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do it using PVE as a proxy, given there are tools such as pct exec, pct enter, and pct console that allow Proxmox to send commands directly to the containers. This would allow to connect to...
  2. H

    No autocomplete when entering container through pct enter xxx

    When I SSH into a pct autocomplete works good, when I enter with pct enter xxx command, it doesn't work at all. I have tried to find info online but I have found nothing. PVE v 7.3-4.
  3. P

    pct list not showing all vms

    Hey Guys, I'm new to proxmox, i've inherited a setup and haven't played with VMs at all before. I'm trying to pct enter into a vm. But pct list isn't showing it. When I view the vms in the web admin, I can see it there. (screenshot below) but pct list only shows 100 and 104. I can see the...
  4. R

    [SOLVED] problem with pct enter and run a script with "#!/usr/bin/env bash" - not working

    Hello everybody, I connect to some LXC Container with pct enter ID. After this I have a script like this here: #!/usr/bin/env bash export SOME_ENV_PATH="path/to/file.env" read -p "Please give your name:" Name If i comment out the line, the script is working fine export...
  5. A

    pct enter VMID get time out after a long time

    I just created a container recently (pct create 102 debian8-64-min-2016_03_05.tar.gz -storage local-lvm -hostname sdp) and because the creator has forgotten it's root password, I should reset it's password using "pct enter 102" but it take a very very long for the first action and then it get...