
  1. L

    [SOLVED] UNCLAIMED Device - EVGA GTS 450 - VGA Arbitration - SeaBIOS - Ubuntu 16.04

    Hardware: Motherboard: X10SRH-CLN4F CPU: E5-2648L v3 (ES: Engineering Sample) RAM: DDR4 2133MHZ 1.2V LRDIMM GPU: EVGA GeForce GTS 450 FPB (Free Performance Boost) Images of hardware: http://imgur.com/a/49omH Software: Proxmox Virtual Environment 4.2-2/725d76f0 (pve-manager/4.2-2/725d76f0)...
  2. R

    ovmf bcfg boot add does not persist

    PVE 4.1 wth UEFI OVMF for Ubuntu 16.04 Server guest. The Ubuntu installation did not place a boot entry (or it did not persist), but I could manually run from internal shell: fs0:\efi\ubuntu\shimx64.efi. Trying 'bcfg boot add 0 shimx64.efi "ubuntu server"' is a no-op as verified by 'bcfg boot...
  3. V

    VM hangs during boot if passthrough device is Nvidia Tesla K80

    The subject says it all. We can speculate as to the cause: We think it is necessary to enable "above 4G decoding" in the OVMF bios. If that is the case then the question is: How can we enabled "above 4G decoding" or similar feature in the OVMF bios? Otherwise, we believe the reason the VM...
  4. C

    "TASK ERROR: Undefined subroutine" when using UEFI/ovmf

    I am using Proxmox 4.1 (updated from 4.0) and as I need PCIe-passthrough I tried to use UEFI/ovmf, but as soon as I set this I get the following error when starting the VM: TASK ERROR: Undefined subroutine &PVE::Tools::file_copy called at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/QemuServer.pm line 2712. Does...