novnc not working

  1. J

    Can't detect the keyboard when using my Proxmox VM in my Brave browser.

    I went into my brave browser on my desktop pc and went to my vm and It did not want to detect my keyboard and mouse input, my input works fine from my desktop machine, but this behavior happens in all the Virtual machines I have in my Proxmox web UI that is associated with my server. I went to...
  2. O

    noVNC kein output nach grub Neuinstallation

    Hallo zusammen, vor kurzem haben wir unser VM Management auf proxmox umgestellt. Dazu haben wir alle VMs, die vorher auf einem Ubuntu Server mit QEMU/KVM (ohne GUI management) liefen, in das neue proxmox cluster mit 4 servern migriert. Soweit läuft alles, aber nachdem ich den Kernel einer...
  3. B

    noVNC not working after upgrade from 5.2-1 to 5.2-9

    Hello, I make upgrade from Proxmox 5.2-1 to 5.2-9 and after upgrade in IE11 (Windows7 x64) stop working noVNC in proxmox web interface. In Firefox and Chrome all working fine. In IE11 works only xterm.js. I clear chache in IE11 Ctrl+F5, and it still does not work. Some idea how to fix it?