novnc blank screen

  1. B

    PVE 7.4-16 NoVNC Cannot Connect unless pveproxy restarted

    Hi All, I recently upgraded a cluster of 5x PVE 7.3 nodes to 7.4-16 at the same time as performing hardware upgrades (complete server replacement). The approach used was migrate workloads off one node at a time, delnode and remove host folder in /etc/pve/nodes, then re-join cluster as new...
  2. B

    [TUTORIAL] Proxmox console connection on 3rd party application

    Hello, I would like to share with you a problem that I could not find the answer to, but I solved. I hope it helps someone. I have developed an application with Laravel so that my clients can manage virtual machines and I don't want to share the proxmox node ip information.I followed the...
  3. H

    [SOLVED] PVE Console behind NGINX Reverse Proxy

    Hello, I hope this is the correct sub-forum. I want to get the PVE console (NoVNC) working in combination with an NGINX reverse proxy. My current NGINX conf is: user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug; events { worker_connections 1024; } http {...
  4. T

    Install WINServer 2019 on old HP Server without virtualization

    Hello, Beginner question here so sorry in advance! I am currently trying to create a VM running WINServer 2019 on proxmox on an old HP DL360 G7 server (Intel XEON E5450). Unfortunately the processor doesn't support virtualization - so there obviously isn't any way to activate it in the BIOS...
  5. T

    Question on noVNC behavior

    I have a few systems that noVNC seems to behave differently between them. If I open a noVNC to a non-running VM of course I get a "Failed to connect to server" but if I use the noVNC commands from the GUI to start it, it will sit and wait for a connection and present me with the logo and...
  6. O

    noVNC kein output nach grub Neuinstallation

    Hallo zusammen, vor kurzem haben wir unser VM Management auf proxmox umgestellt. Dazu haben wir alle VMs, die vorher auf einem Ubuntu Server mit QEMU/KVM (ohne GUI management) liefen, in das neue proxmox cluster mit 4 servern migriert. Soweit läuft alles, aber nachdem ich den Kernel einer...
  7. D

    [SOLVED] Working NoVNC with reverse proxy on 5.1

    Hello, as I have spent a lot of time last week fighting nginx in order to make it render the NoVNC websocket correctly without any success, I saw there are multiple messages from many members indicating that it doesn't really work right now, not even this configuration. I've managed to make it...
  8. R

    Proxmox 5.1-46 NGINX noVNC Probleme IPv6

    Hallo zusammen, ich konnte mein Problem nun mit Proxmox 5.1-46 und Proxmox 5.1-41 nachstellen. Auf beiden Systemen kann ich über den NGINX the Console(JS) benutzen, jedoch nicht die normale Console (noVNC), da bleibt das Bild schwarz. Auch in mehreren Browsern sowie nach Cache Löschung Die...
  9. R

    noVNC with Proxmox nginx IPv6 Problem

    Hi, I have the problem that i can't use noVNC with Proxmox 5.1 and nginx. i always have blank screen but i used this config but still the same error, if used the adress over port 8006 direct, i have no problems. is there any fix for...
  10. B

    Nach update Beta5 -> 5 - kein NoVNC mehr

    Hallo, bis zum gestrigen update von der beta 5 auf die Release 5 lief novnc wunderbar. Jetzt bekomme ich beim Aufruf nur eine Nachricht, dass ich Verbunden bin (mit der VM) und den schönen (neuen) NoVNC Screen ... aber keine VM. Klicken, Tasten drücken, nichts passiert. Nur der neue Novnc...