nfs cfs lock

  1. A

    Issues while cloning VMs simultaneously

    Hello, I encountered an issue while trying to clone two (or more) VMs simultaneously between two nodes. Both nodes have NFS storage. When I start cloning the VMs the first starts and the second one fails with: TASK ERROR: clone failed: error during cfs-locked 'nfs2' operation: got lock timeout...
  2. M

    showmount & pvesm add nfs failed on Proxmox 6.1

    Dear Team, We have different setup of Proxmox 5.2 and Proxmox 6.1 Cluster. Last one year we are using proxmox 5.2 cluster with nfs storage. Recently we created proxmox 6.1 cluster and tried to add the same nfs storage but we are not able to add the nfs storage. We are using netapp FAS8200...
  3. S

    storage migration failed: error during cfs-locked 'storage-XXX' operation:

    Hallo :) Ich habe bei mir ein kleinen Cluster aus drei Nodes und einen Server 2016 als Storage Server. Dieser Server besitzt mehrere NFS Freigaben für den Cluster wo eine Freigabe für VMs dient. Dieser ist eine einzelne SSD die nur dafür genutzt wird. Wenn ich jetzt versuche eine VM darauf zu...
  4. P

    NFS create storage failed: error with cfs lock 'file-storage_cfg'

    Hello, it's not the first time I have this problem. With all Proxmox version it's the same problem. I web interface, I create a NFS connection to a NFS server and if I remove it and recreate a new one with the same name he tell me << create storage failed: error with cfs lock...