network address

  1. H

    Remote access to VMs

    Hi, Do you have a solution for remote access to virtual machines with only one public address for proxmox server and machines connected with NAT configuration? Regards Thank you
  2. O

    Multisegment separation

    Customer desires a configuration of VM's in the cluster where few limitations should be taken in account. Server that hosts VM's have 4 interfaces (eno1 eno2 eno3 eno4) bonded together in (bond0). Host server should be accessible from dedicated administration network C class segment (f.e...
  3. N

    [SOLVED] LXC 2. eth Schnittstelle nimmt keine ipv4

    Hi, ich habe gerade ein kurioses Phänomen welches ich mir nicht erklären kann. Ich will einem Container (LXC) eine weitere eth Schnittstelle geben mit einer weiteren IPv4 und einer weiteren IPv6. Soweit so gut nur nimmt er auf der eth1 die IPv4 nicht an und löscht diese immer wieder raus. Ich...
  4. S

    proxmox 4.4 multiple public ips nat 1:1 to private

    Hi, I try to do the following that was perfectly working in openvz. I have multiple /27 ip bound to a dedicated server, this server host a proxmox node. I want each VM (container lxc) to have her own public ip. My provider cannot handle more than 64 mac address per server, so I have to manage...
  5. A

    UI: show dhcp leased IPs of container

    How about to show in webui ip of container leased by dhcp?
  6. T

    Update Network card existing V4.3

    Hi We are updating the network card in the system to a 10GB NIC At the moment the server has a dual on board GB NIC. In the proxmox GUI under Network it is showing eth0 Network Device Yes No eth1 Network Device No No vmbr0 Linux Bridge Yes Yes eth0
  7. D

    Proxmox 3.4 --> 4.3 Network problem

    Hello I have 2 servers at OVH, using Proxmox 3.4 since 2 years. I move all containers 3.4 from srv01 to srv02 I reinstall srv01 in Proxmox 4.3 ... scp, restore... Ok, the container is up in 4.3. But network doesn't work. :confused: I read several posts on this forum, and doc... but not yet...
  8. U

    proxmox4 - online migrate failure - unable to detect remote migration address

    Evironment is as follow: 3 node cluster setup drbd9 devices on all 3 nodes. Installed and configured as described in and When migrating a VM from node 1 to node 2 there is no error. When migrating a VM...