mount lv

  1. taich

    mount pve

    I have a proxmox 8.2 server but its boot ssd has errors, so proxmox does not boot any more. I took the defect ssd out of the server and connected it to another linux pc to copy important configuration data from it. I managed to mount the broken ssd and copied the whole /etc/ directory...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Accidentally deleted Volume Group. Need Help readding it

    Hello all, Dumb here! ;) Long story short, I have added a new SSD as a LVM, but I wanted to create a LVM-Thin instead. So, I migrated all my VM disks to another storage LVM, wiped the disk and created a LVM-Thin. After that, I migrated all my VMs back into the new SSD. Then, comes the GENIUS...
  3. L

    Pass storage backed mount point to LXC container

    I'm trying to pass through an existing LV to a container. I believe this means I need to use an image based, storage backed mountpoint as described here, which mentions a special syntax for creating a new LV, but there is no mention of the option to mount an existing LV. I have created a new...