
  1. T

    Auto mount with SSHFS no SSH key

    Hi, I mounted a folder present in my nas server to my proxmox server with SSHFS sshfs user@nas_ip:/path/to/nas_folder /mnt/proxmox_folder Afterwards I was asked for the password of (user@nas_ip) But if I restart my proxmox server I should manually mount the nas. I'll start by saying that I'm...
  2. C

    Synology NAS NFS Share LXC Unprivileged Mount

    Hi all, I am running Proxmox Virtual Environment 8.3.3. I am trying to set up a Mount for a Synology NAS NFS Share into an Unprivileged LXC to be used for the App "Immich" which I have deployed using Docker. I have used the Proxmox Helper Scripts for the Docker LXC...
  3. H

    SMB Mount in Unprivileged LXC – UID/GID Confusion

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to set up an SMB mount in an unprivileged LXC container on Proxmox, but I’m struggling to understand how UID and GID work in this context. I've read multiple guides, including this one: Proxmox: Bind SMB Mount to Unprivileged LXC Container the Easy Way, and searched...
  4. A

    Encrypted ZFS datasets empty after manual mount

    Hello! I am struggling with a quite weird problem imho. Running Proxmox 7.4.1 (without subscription) without any issues for a long time until recently the SATA controller card locked up and I had to do a hard shutdown. Connected the 4 harddrives to the internal ports and booted up. The pool...
  5. L

    Block device (btrfs) in unprivileged LXC container

    I have a HDD connected to my PVE host, that holds data in various btrfs subvolumes. I would like to access (and ideally manage) them from an unprivileged LXC container. After reading through several documentation pages and forum posts I attempted the following: Create a "lxc_mount" group on the...
  6. A

    Mount-Problem nach Update auf 8.3.1

    Nabend! Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen, bevor meine Frau mich tötet! :eek::rolleyes: Seit dem Update auf 8.3.1 ist unsere Nextcloud mit ihren Dokumenten nicht mehr erreichbar. Bzw. konnte Proxmox nach dem Update erst gar nicht mehr booten. Nach dem löschen dieser Zeile aus der fstab konnte...
  7. S

    doing an rsync from a proxmox backup mount location

    All, I have a not very happy server at a remote site that is backed up via proxmox backup client which backs up email. Due to server issues I am rebuilding from backups on a new machine. I have noticed that proxmox backup is amongst the quickist thing to scan the email directories and backup...
  8. S

    [SOLVED] Ceph Mount Issues on Additional PVE Cluster Servers – Need Help

    Hello! I have a PVE cluster consisting of 8 servers that has been running for quite some time (since PVE v5 days) and always kept up to date. A big shoutout to the developers—everything runs very smoothly! Three of the servers act as a Ceph cluster (with 10 disks each), and two additional...
  9. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: Restore a file from a vzdump/vma backup on the CLI

    Preface While I am basically sure this is documented somewhere I was not able to find a compact guide. And I was never in a situation where this was necessary... yet. What I had found is and the man-pages of the required commands, but no “walk-through”...
  10. A

    ZFS dataset empty after reboot

    Hello, I've updated to Proxmox 8.0.3 some days ago and yesterday after rebooting the server using the reboot command, one of my zfs datasets is now empty (the other dataset on the same pool are fine). NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT ssd-raid/storage 705G 732G 704G...
  11. G

    Mount entfernen / Neu mounten mit Rechten und an lxc Durchreichen

    Hallo zusammen. Ich habe ein Problem mit meinen Festplattenorganisation. Ich habe eine Mountpoint bei der Festplatte sdb1 gesetzt (mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/drive) der leider keine Rechte zum schreiben besitzt wenn ich diesen an den lxc durchreichen möchte. Jetzt bekommen ich den...
  12. T

    Proxmox mount usb-ssd for proxmox backup

    Good morningI'm a bit stumped at the moment. I want to mount a USB SSD drive for backup in Proxmox. Where do I have the error?
  13. W

    TrueNAS VM, autofs mount, dependent LXCs?

    I'm running Proxmox VE 8.2.7. I have a TrueNAS Core VM, and a few of my unprivileged LXCs access an NFS share provided by the TrueNAS VM via a bind mount. The solution I ended up with is using autofs to mount the TrueNAS VM's share to the Proxmox host and then bind mount that share to the...
  14. D

    alter smb Mountpoint legt mein Server/Backup lahm: cd, ls -l, rm -rf reagieren nicht!

    Heyho, zu erst zu meinem Setup: Ich habe mich vor einigen Tagen entschieden die meisten Backups auf ein Dataset meines TrueNAS-Scale Servers zu speichern. Hierzu habe ich einen SMB Share in meinen Datacenter eingebunden. Da das einbinden eines weiteren smb Share probleme bereitet hat, habe ich...
  15. R

    Inconsistent ceph automounting between nodes

    I have three nodes in my cluster, each as a ceph mon, mgr, and two mds each. My problem comes when I try to mount on boot. I think the issue is with my /etc/fstab, as pasted below. I tried using the Proxmox storage but it was very inconsistent while fstab works much better. This setup works to...
  16. E

    Re mount disks from previous installation

    Hey, i had to reinstall proxmox due to an fried ssd and my backups are all gone. I want to re mount my xfs disks with my vm drives and files without wiping them. Zpool import tells me an error. Thanks for any help Elias02345
  17. M

    Mount eines LXC containers mit einem weiteren unprivilierten LXC container teilen

    Habe in Container LXC-100 einen mountpunkt erzeugt. Auf diesen möchte ich gerne von container LXC-200 Dateien schreiben. Würde an sich ein NFS share von LXC-200 auf PXC-100 einrichten. Aber möchte eigentlich nicht den LXC-200 als priviligiert einstellen. Welche Optionen hab ich hier? Danke und...
  18. T

    CIFS: Bad_network_Name Mount Error

    Hello, I have been trying for hours to create a Cifs mount on my Proxmox server as this tutorial indicates. Unfortunately it keeps failing. Both directories exist, the user has authorization and general connection to the IP also exists. I keep getting the error: “Bad Network”, Permission deni”...
  19. S

    Trying to mount already used drives to a fresh proxmox installation

    Hey there! So I recently had to reinstall proxmox because I messed some things up. Now I'm left with my 3 data disks listed under proxmox(node) > Disks, but I don't see any option to mount them and use the existing vm drives located on them. Running lvs which I saw on another post here doesn't...
  20. C

    SMB Speicher Mounten und als Datastore nutzen

    Guten Tag, ich habe aktuell einen SMB Speicher als cifs in meinem PBS gemountet. Nun habe ich aber folgende Probleme. PBS kann den Speicher nicht "Locken", ich kann aber auch kein local_lock=all nutzen. Zusätzlich habe ich auf meinem PBS nur einen Speicher von 250 GB. Mein SMB Speicher hat...