macos ventura

  1. T

    Ventura USB 3 not working

    Hi there, I'm having an odd problem. I have a lovely, working install of Ventura running on Proxmox 7.4. Both GPUs (RX580s) pass through successfully. The NVMe drive passes through to boot the OS. All in all, everything I try seems to be working great except for USB. Currently, I have the...
  2. E

    MacOS Ventura on Proxmox 8 but fails GPU passthrough ( display goes off after apple logo )

    Hello everyone, I managed to install macOS Ventura on my fresh Proxmox 8 installation. Everything went fine, installing macOS through the noVNC console and setting up everything. Now its the last part to my success that does not work: the GPU passthrough. After the initial Proxmox booting...
  3. H

    MacOS on proxmox

    Hi, i've installed the MacOS based on this tutorial, however after installation process i only see macos boot menu with 4 options and none of them boot me into the os.
  4. P

    MacOS Ventura: App Fenster minimieren sehr langsam

    Hallo Proxmoxer, da ich schon viel gesucht und ausprobiert habe aber noch keine Lösung gefunden habe, bitte ich euch um Hilfe. Ich habe eine VM mit MacOS Ventura erstellt die auch soweit performant läuft. Nur das minimieren von Programm-Fenstern und wieder vergrößern dauert bis zu 10 Sekunden...
  5. D

    MacOS GPU passthrough [W5500] works, but without display output

    Hi! I realise that this is not a "hackintosh support" forum, but I don't think my issue is necessarily MacOS related, so I might as well try to ask here too. Basically, I have a Radeon W5500 that is passed through to a MacOS VM. The MacOS VM recognises the GPU (it is shown in the device list...
  6. B

    macos Ventura stuck on apple logo (1/3 progress bar) with gpu passthrough

    Hello, I am have macOS Ventura installation done. Now I tried to do GPU passthrough via PCI but I have macos Ventura stuck on apple logo (1/3 progress bar). I n Hardware of the VM I have PCI set to RX 580 and Display set to VMware I get the following In the console I get to selecting the MacOS...