
  1. P

    Incus 0.1 released - Will Proxmox adopt this?

    Hi there team Proxmox, this isn't something that is related to installation or configuration, but I didn't find any better place to post this question. The fork of LXD, the Incus Project, has announced its initial release 0.1 after the fork. Reports are here: https://lwn.net/Articles/947136/...
  2. S

    uid/gid allocation for nested LXD in unprivileged container

    Hi everyone, I am trying to configure Gitlab runners with custom LXD executors inside proxmox's LXC container. Basically, I want to be able to spin-up LXC containers inside Proxmox's unprivileged LXC container. I did the following: 1. Created unprivileged Ubuntu 22.04 LXC container with...
  3. P

    Help with UID/GID Mapping Between CTs

    I'm having some trouble mapping the UID/GIDs between two LXC containers: plex and deluge. Here are the configs: Plex CT: # UID mapping, plex uid is 998 lxc.idmap: u 0 100000 998 lxc.idmap: u 998 1234 1 lxc.idmap: u 999 100999 63536 # GID mapping, plex gid is 998 lxc.idmap: g 0 100000 998...
  4. Y

    LXD container with snap in Proxmox LXC container?

    I am using Proxmox 7.1 and Ubuntu 20.04 in the CT I found: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/ubuntu-snaps-inside-lxc-container-on-proxmox.36463/#post-230060 and I have installed LXD in Proxmox CT. It mostly seems to work fine. But the services do not completely start with Ubuntu 20.04 CT...
  5. T

    Running a LXD image on Proxmox

    Hi, I'm using Proxmox as my home server, and I really like and appreciate your work! I'm also active in the NextCloudPi docs community. Recently our main developer (nachoparker) has released a LXD image of NextCloudPi. I only know how to deploy LXC on Proxmox and have read and watched some...
  6. G

    Revisiting CPU limit for LXC 2.0 / LXD

    Upon reading the LXD / LXC 2.0 documentation, I have come across some new CPU limit features on this page: https://www.stgraber.org/2016/03/26/lxd-2-0-resource-control-412/ According to @dietmar Proxmox can do anything LXD does: So it looks possible to see and use only a limited number of...