
  1. S

    Massive performance improvement in Linux 6.12

    Is there any plan to support linux 6.12 for an incremental release? Or perhaps the next major release. There have been some massive performance improvements merged into 6.12 and, especially for virtualization tooling, it would be a shame to miss out on these. I am new here, so I am not as...
  2. M

    Umstellung auf remote PBS, bitte um Review

    So, nachdem ich jetzt einige Wochen Erfahrung mit Proxmox VE und PBS sammeln konnte, wird es Zeit das Thema Backup zu konsolidieren und auf eine dauerhafte Lösung umzustellen. Ich bitte um Review und Kommentare zu meinem Plan: In den Backup sollen: VMs und CTs eines Proxmox VE Clusters...
  3. N

    Speichererweiterung mit Problemen

    Hallo, beim Aufrüsten eines Proxmox-Hosts (Version 8.2.7) mit zusätzlichen NVMEs werden leider nicht alle Speichermedien korrekt erkannt so dass sie nicht weiter genutzt werden können. Außerdem ändert sich die Bezeichnung der bisherigen NVMEs, was zu etwas Irritation des verwendeten CEPHs...
  4. U

    Cloud Init user data script field

    With using the Linux cloud-init settings is there any way to add another input field for a user data script so that I dont have to boot a VM and run the commands i need to install a few applications before turning it into a replicatable template because many of the cloud-init features only work...
  5. S

    PCIe Pass Thru, Problem?

    Installed a PCIx4 Intel Chip WiFi card after initial Proxmox setup. Cannot see WiFi card under network devices in Proxmox, but can do raw PCI Pass Thru to VM. With PCI Pass Through to Linux VM (OpnSense FreeBSD), WiFi card is detected and driver is loaded, dmesg below. But the device does not...
  6. D

    [SOLVED] Mint-Ubuntu-Debian doesn't installing\launching on UEFI

    So, im trying to install Mint-Ubuntu-Debian on vm, and it doesnt work with UEFI, noone of this, so as result i stopped on Mint (if it help, its linuxmint-22-cinnamon-64bit.iso) to test different solutions (but no result atm). Problem: Before installation end, linux requesting remove cd-rom. If...
  7. A

    [SOLVED] Postmortem: Crontab destroying ssh authorized_hosts, failing out migrations

    Howdy. I've been a proxmox user for about 5 years now, but I've never post here. Time to start with a learning moment! While diagnosing an issue, I discovered a classic PEBCAK problem that I'd like to share just for anyone who may be encountering the same problem. To make a long story short...
  8. N

    Client Zugriff auf Proxmox VM (Windows und Linux)

    Hallo, wenn ich unter Proxmox eine Windows VM installiere kann ich ganz normal per Remotedesktop darauf zugreifen. Wie funktioniert das mit Linux? Gerne auch Links und kein vorkauen. Ich mache das nur um zu üben und mehr zu verstehen.
  9. F

    issues with storage

    Hi I need some help, Ive had an issue with an external drive thats been holding some vm disks on it - But its suddenly not showing the vm disks anymore and its also showing the space is maxed out When i try and attached a unused disk back to the vm its saying the disk does not exist But...
  10. D

    Migrated baremetal server disk to proxmox and itwon't boot.

    Hello, I am trying to migrate a bare metal server to a proxmox vm and I am running into issues. I copied /dev/sda which is a centos7 box using ddrescue to the proxmox host. The file is named centos.raw under /mnt/pve/proxmox-vms/102/centos.raw Here is the vm config file: boot: order=sata1...
  11. K

    Wrong order of NIC links

    Hi, i installed a new network daughter card in my dell R730, the previous one had ports 1-4 assigned to links eno1-eno4 respectively. Linux now assigns the new card ports as such: port 1=eno3 port 2=eno4 port 3=eno1 port 4=eno2 Does this have to do with IOmmu being on? I also don't know if...
  12. E

    proxmox stuck at "Loading initial ramdisk" after changing /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf

    Hello fellow server admins, I have a proxmox hypervisor for my VMs and the file system is raidz1. Today I was wondering if I could install an nvidia card and run 3D Applications so I found a promising tutorial about gpu passthrough here...
  13. O

    Ubuntu VM cannot boot after increase VM disk size

    I move my Ubuntu vm disk from one thinpool to another then I have increased my this vm disk from 200 to 400, and then I rebooted for it to regconize the new config, but it cannot boot anymore. Please help me, thank you guys !!!
  14. M

    VM's open ports not visible from outside of VM

    Hi, I just installed a Discourse forum engine on Ubuntu VM. The installation went great, but I am unable to open the Discourse site from my network over 443. When I check open ports of the VM from external I see this: But from inside (of the Ubuntu VM) I see this: So, apparently no ports...
  15. H

    Hostname problem on Linux VMs

    Hello, I come to you because when I put a hostname on Proxmox on a VM (Ubuntu for example), and when I type the command "hostname" on the VM, it doesn't show me the right hostname at all. For example, when on Proxmox I set the hostname "", on the VM I get "pve1" only. I don't...
  16. Q

    Configure SPICE in vm.conf to avoid GUI/WEB to generate connection file

    Hi, I can generate a file via WEB/GUI without any problems and connect to my Ubuntu VM, but as you know the file that is downloaded on my PC is not usable after 30 seconds. I want to configure VM to always be available for ma Remote Viewer by simply typing "spice://", without...
  17. J

    SSH Rredirection

    Hi, I have a K8S cluser installed on proxmox host. To access VMs created in Proxmox, I obliged to connect to the Proxmox server and then make another SSH connection to the desired VM . This is not very practical in addition to posing obvious security problems. is there a way please to do a...
  18. Q

    Ubuntu Camera Passthrough

    Hi, Does anyone knows how to passthrough camera from my Windows through RDP to Ubuntu 22.04, I know that this is not that much related to the ProxMox, but my Ubuntu 22.04 is on the ProxMox 7.4-3, and I saw some comments online that people did it through USB being added to the Ubuntu in the...
  19. H

    When I start my windows and linux vms at the same time I get corruption

    Hi!, I am not really sure it's data corruption but it just seems like it. So, I have 2 vms that have separate GPUs assigned to them. When I start both of them, the one vm freezes for a bit and then it starts working again, but after I turn off the pc and boot it up again I get fsck on the screen...
  20. J

    PVE v8.1.3 | Probleme beim Starten einer neu erstellten VM (QEMU exited with code 1)

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe kürzlich eine neue VM in Proxmox VE erstellt und stoße auf ein Startproblem. Nach der Konfiguration und dem Versuch, die VM zu starten, erhalte ich die Fehlermeldung "QEMU exited with code 1". Hier sind die Schritte, die ich bisher unternommen habe: VM mit Ubuntu 22.04...