
  1. L

    Let's encrypt cloudflare API update

    Hey guys, I have a problem with updating the certificate via let's encrypt with the cloudflare api. From the tests I carried out, the Cloudflare API is working, but Let's encrypt does not approve it, does anyone have the same problem? Loading ACME account details Placing ACME order Order URL...
  2. A

    [SOLVED] Letsencrypt certificates when using a reverse proxy

    Hi I'm currently evaluating pmg. How would I perform a certificate request when my proxmox mail gateway is behind an NGINX reverse proxy? I have PMG on server A, nginx on server B, I can actually access the web UI through NGINX just fine, and I have valid certificates on that box. I can...
  3. R

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Letsencrypt SSL Certificate Renew Error

    Can't connect to acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org:443 unexpected eof while reading at /usr/share/perl5/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 50. Solution: 1- Just delete your old certificate that is making problems and then reorder the new certificate. If it doesn't work then upgrade Nginx and restart it...
  4. R

    [SOLVED] Issue with Proxmox 8.2 Namecheap ACME DNS Plugin.

    Hi - I'm running Proxmox 8.2.2 and running into the following odd error trying to provision certificates using the Namecheap ACME DNS Plugin. I believe this same configuration worked prior to the 8.2 upgrade within the last monthacme Under Datacenter -> ACME, I've defined a challenge plugin...
  5. M

    Certificate renew fails

    I sucessfully set up acme certificate on our proxmox node but certificate renew fails. Output of pvenode acme cert renew: Loading ACME account details Placing ACME order Order URL: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order/1446374306/265127774607 Getting authorization details from...
  6. M

    searching for letsencrypt files

    hi I am trying to put PMG behind a proxy server to make this happen I need to copy 2 files from letsencrypt stored someplace on the PMG fullchain.pem privkey.pem HELP ! so does anybody know where they are stored? FYI, there is no /etc/letsencrypt also /etc/pmg has several files tried them...
  7. V

    DNS and certificate question

    Hi! I recently started using PMG, super amazing service! I plan on expanding to a HA Cluster and I wonder how to handle certificate for my cluster I want to have one dedicated subdomain for each and then one domain for users to have in their MX records. So lets say we have pmg.mydomain.net A...
  8. N

    Cert from other Host (NGINX Proxy Manager)

    Hey guys, I was able to setup PMG yesterday and my mailcow behind it. Right now I run into the following issue that I get a reject on a receiving server ehlo/helo domain. F.e. my PMG got the hostname mailgateway.internal.local right now. My 1st: Is it just enough to change the hostname in...
  9. I

    How to change the port of the HTTP daemon started by ACME?

    Hello, I want to ask you how to change the port of the HTTP daemon, which is started when the certificates order is triggered. I would prefer 8080 for example or whatever else. I am getting "Failed to initialize HTTP daemon" error at the end of the task because my 80 port is being used by...
  10. I

    1984hosting ACME plugin not working (outdated + more?)

    For my internal PVE nodes I want to get ACME working. Since I'm behind a NAT firewall and the single IP's port 80 is not available, I'm trying with the DNS API challenge. Unfortunately, my own web hoster does not provide a DNS API, so I forwarded a subdomain to 1984.hosting, which has a built-in...
  11. R

    nginx proxy manager, nextcloud, letsencrypt, double certificate

    Hi, I posted this in national german forum und I would like to aks also here in the international forum: I had first installed a Nextcloud with Letsencrypt in proxmox and enabled port 80 and 443 in my FritzBox for this IP address. Works! Now I want to set up a second Nextcloud with a different...
  12. R

    Nginx proxy manager, Nextcloud, doppeltes Letsencrypt certificat

    Hallo, ich hatte zuerst in proxmox eine Nextcloud mit Letsencrypt installiert und in meiner FritzBox für diese IP-Adresse Port 80 und 443 freigegeben. Läuft! Nun möchte ich eine zweite Nextcloud mit einer anderen Web-Adresse einrichten und habe in Vorbereitung dazu als LXC mit Alpine den nginx...
  13. T

    Proxmox ACME-Zertifikate innerhalb einer VM nutzen

    Hallo, zunächst vorweg, wir sind noch recht frisch bei Proxmox und experimentieren gerade ein wenig damit herum um bei den vielen Möglichkeiten den Durchblick zu bekommen. Aber es ist einfach großartig :) Ich bin so zB erst vor kurzem auf die Möglichkeiten mit den (ACME)Zertifikaten gestoßen...
  14. S

    [TUTORIAL] Secure Proxmox with LetsEncrypt HTTPS Certificates Validated with Cloudflare DNS

    This Video was perfect solution for me. Just thought I would share it with others incase they need to setup there PVe 8006 with a certificate via cloudflare
  15. J

    Upload custom cert via Proxmox API?

    I have pre-existing infrastructure which registers and updates TLS certificates for organization's sites via Lets Encrypt. I'd like to use this infrastructure to automatically push a new certificate to my various Proxmox VE nodes via the Proxmox API...
  16. R

    [TUTORIAL] Subject Alternative Name in Certificates & adding additional DNS API procedure

    I have been able to add a new DNS API script to acme.sh for Mythic Beasts, load it and use it with Proxmox according to this thread. 1. Put your script in here: /usr/share/proxmox-acme/dnsapi 2. You no longer need to edit the perl file according to that thread, instead you change it here...
  17. E

    Does ProxMox supports Letsencrypt ECC certificates?

    Proxmox requests the default RSA certificate from Lets encrypt, can it request ECC certificates as well like acme.sh command --keylength ec-256
  18. A

    Proxmox ACME with TransIP plugin: _sign: command not found

    Hi, I'm trying to setup Let's encrypt/ACME with the transip DNS plugin. Both automated and from the command line (pvenode acme cert renew) will have the dns_transip.sh script throw an error: # pvenode acme cert renew Loading ACME account details Placing ACME order Order URL...
  19. C

    Let's encrypt does'nt work on a domain name IPv6 only

    Hello, ACME does'nt listen on port 80 in IPv6. It listen port 80 only in IPv4. For domain names with only record type AAAA, ACME does'nt work on Proxmox VE. I haven't software is listen on the port 80 in IPv4 or IPv6. I took a screenshot of the ACME logs and the "ss -atlp" command when...
  20. C

    How to setup ssl for pbs?

    I get a ssl certificate error on login to a newly installed pbs backup server. Added a new DDNS name on dynu.net added this to pve acme setup and can order both certificates for pve (which works fine via https) and new for pbs. I don’t know how to setup it on actual pbs server. Any clues are...