
  1. P

    [TUTORIAL] Headless building Proxmox server solution

    Install Proxmox on a headless server without drive swapping or pre-installing Debian, using ZFS (if required), assuming the server will boot from USB and has some form of serial (RS232) access - I used usb-serial adapter. This worked for me – YMMV. Overview use (eg) laptop to install basic...
  2. T

    Supermicro Proxmox Headless

    I'm trying to allow my proxmox install boot without needing a keyboard plugged in. I'm using a Supermicro MBD-C7Z87-O motherboard and I know that there is a "headless" option that is supposed to allow this. However, even with this setting enabled, I still can't get it to boot without a...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Advice for new Home Lab installation with old pc

    I am a complete newbie to home labs and this advice is really just for anyone who is/might be in my recent position. I like to consider myself a technologically able person. I am a Comp Sci student, have done networking IT stuff in the past. I thought to myself "How hard could it be to really...
  4. G

    Headless installation of proxmox

    Hello I've got an older Workstation. This Workstation was build into an Server Rack previously, this is the reason why it has no video output. My Question is: Am i able to install proxmox onto this workstation with out a monitor, mice or keyboard? Infra: - Workstation - Stable LAN connection...
  5. L

    Proxmox-Server ohne GPU nicht erreichbar

    Hallo erstmal! Wir sind gerade dabei unseren ersten Server mit Proxmox zu starten. Auf einem alten Office-PC haben wir Proxmox aufgesetzt. In diesem war jedoch leider keine Grafikkarte und wir mussten für die Installation mit einer aus einem anderen PC aushelfen. Nach dem die Installation...
  6. A

    Neue USB Gerätenummer nach jedem Einschalten (USB Scanner als headless scan station in LXC)

    Hallo zusammen, je länger ich mich mit Proxmox beschäftige, desto begeisterter bin ich von den Möglichkeiten. Gleich vorab, ich bin recht neu auch im Bereich Linux. Eine Frage vorab (falls der lange Text abschreckt :-)): Wie bekomme ich SANE dazu, den USB Scanner in /dev/usb/scanner zu finden...
  7. N

    Changing selected kernel for boot (systemd-boot) on headless PVE Host?

    Hi There, I currently have a 2-node PVE 6 cluster (and 3rd node QDevice), with the 2 nodes operating headless with PVE installed as ZFS on EFI (systemd-boot). If I want to test the new PVE Linux 5.3 kernel on one of the nodes, I understand that I just need to do: apt update && apt install...
  8. C

    [SOLVED] Headless installation

    Hi folks, I got myself a new machine that I'd like to run on PVE. It's headless and I was wondering if it's possible to install PVE directly on target. So either via SSH, with XForwarding if necessary, or via web-interface, if that is running during the installation. Alternatively I'd be...
  9. C

    [SOLVED] Headless Proxmox possible?

    I'm thinking of a CPU without iGPU, using a discrete GPU for installation, then removing it and running it without any display adapter at all. I realize that for any troubleshooting or BIOS upgrades I would need to add again a GPU, but the question is, does it need a GPU to run? Anyone tried this?
  10. R

    Installation over console

    Hi all, I would like some confirmation on whether Proxmox can be installed over a computer with no monitor and instead use the serial port. If you ask why, I have a unit built without IPMI and without graphic I/O. By the look of the grub.cfg file, it seems that it might not be possible with...