
  1. I

    Idling Unused Hard Drives

    Hi All, A very quick question. I have 4 hard drives installed into my proxmox server, they are totally unused, don't even have a GPT partition on them. How can I get Proxmox to spin them down when not in use? For reference, I know that spinning down HDDs will ultimately reduce their life...
  2. G

    HD-IDLE not logging spindowns/ups to syslog

    Hello all, recently I migrated from Proxmox 6.4 to a new server running Proxmox 8.1.3.. I am using HD-IDLE to spin some hdds down. HD-IDLE spins the hdds down as expected, but I am missing the "spindown"/"spinup" messages in syslog. Messages regarding the service status are logged correctly in...
  3. A

    Is it possible to disable the regular access to backup storage?

    Is it possible to disable or prevent the regular access of Proxmox VE to the configured backup storage (directory)? Background: I want to make backups to an external USB drive. If no backup runs, the disk should go into the idle mode to save power and life time. The disk is mounted via...
  4. M

    pvestatd doesn't let HDDs go to sleep

    Hi, I got Proxmox running on my homeserver. Because I don't need the VM with my storage hdds (passtroughed to the VM) much often, I would like to spindown these hdds when they're not used. I tried hdparm and hd-idle, but both are not able to spindown the hdds. Even if I try to spindown them...