
  1. G

    ub16.04 lxc container hang on start (5.0beta)

    Hi all, I hope this isn't a newbie mistake. I've got an installation of 5.0beta, updated current to current. This was a direct upgrade from 4.4 When I create lxc containers using the stock ubuntu 16.04 image and run them, I get no response for about the first 5 minutes of running. No CPU is...
  2. A

    KVM / CentOS 6.8 random hang with 100% CPU

    I have a problematic VM that randomly hangs with CPU usage pegged to the max. the load average goes 30+ and though I can ping the machine as normal, the console never responds and all users are locked out. Until the crash, the system runs under 1.00 load average. I have to stop/start to get it...
  3. A

    "pct" & "qm" hanging on most servers in a cluster

    Hello, I have been very slowly migrating my containers from the old style VZ containers to LXC, and while things got off to a rocky start, they have seemed to be working better lately, until, that is, today. This morning I went to go look at a node in the cluster, and I ran "pct list" and it...
  4. T

    loading initial ramdisk hang, after reboot

    I have a full pve envirement running with 3 nodes with block storage ceph for HA with packet (bare metal). The cluster was running great. Today i was working on an overlay network and after every change i rebooted the server (call me lazy). After 5 or 6 reboots the serer hang during boot. Packet...
  5. P

    Guest VM hang/stalled

    Hi, I've uncovered an issue today with my Proxmox setup. So I have a cluster with two nodes. The primary node (proxmox01), and the secondary node (proxmox02). I have guest VMs running on both nodes. However, the problem is everytime I ssh into the guest VM from the secondary node (proxmox02)...
  6. B

    Full node hangs for seconds at CT/VM creation/deletion/bootup/backup (mdraid1+LVM)

    Hello, the title describes the problem pretty well. It's a single node with no cluster or any "exotic" external storage. The problem has been happening for a while now, may be some months (we've learned just to not backup entire VMs and not to restart them unnecesarily, and never at heavy usage...