
  1. A

    Mount-Problem nach Update auf 8.3.1

    Nabend! Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen, bevor meine Frau mich tötet! :eek::rolleyes: Seit dem Update auf 8.3.1 ist unsere Nextcloud mit ihren Dokumenten nicht mehr erreichbar. Bzw. konnte Proxmox nach dem Update erst gar nicht mehr booten. Nach dem löschen dieser Zeile aus der fstab konnte...
  2. L

    [SOLVED] Quota issues on Privileged LXC Containers with Quota Enabled

    Hey, i installed Proxmox on a KVM Root Server, and since my hoster doesn't allow nested-virtualization, i am limited with using LXC Containers. I want to install Keyhelp on one of the lxc containers, and Keyhelp requires quota to be enabled and to work, in order for Keyhelp to work properly...
  3. Z

    SMB / Fstab help

    After a fully working proxmox server on a old pc I created a new proxmox server on better hardware. Most of the node is working, but I have two questions remaining. First Question: I mounted an existing (shucked USB Western Digital drive with NTFS format) with: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/Elements...
  4. T

    CIFS: Bad_network_Name Mount Error

    Hello, I have been trying for hours to create a Cifs mount on my Proxmox server as this tutorial indicates. Unfortunately it keeps failing. Both directories exist, the user has authorization and general connection to the IP also exists. I keep getting the error: “Bad Network”, Permission deni”...
  5. J

    More reliable drive mounting after host reboot

    Hi, I'm having an issue with ensuring the physical drives on my proxmox hosts mount reliably after a reboot. Right now my /etc/fstab looks like this: LABEL=SSD1 /mnt/SSD1 ext4 rw,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=1,errors=remount-ro 0 2 LABEL=SSD2 /mnt/SSD2 ext4...
  6. S

    fstab mount fails on boot but works with mount -a [workaround provided]

    Hi everyone. Very noob here, first time linux. On my proxmox host , in fstab i'm having this line "/dev/vg_4tb/lv_4tb /mnt/4tb_data ext4 defaults 0 0" I was testing this with 'mount -a', and it mounts properly, BUT on reboot my system doesn't boot with these error messages: 1 LOGICAL V. IN VG...
  7. X

    fstab Configuration for volumes

    Hey guys I need some help with configuring automounted drives in proxmox. Backstory: I've lately been having some troubles with configuring my storage. Initially I had some mount points at mnt/ and some at mnt/pve/. So I decided to move them all to mnt/pve/. I did this, mounted them and i...
  8. R

    Problem connecting to Synology nas from a proxmox ubuntu container

    I am a noob regarding Proxmox VE but really like what I am seeing right now. Problem is, containers are useless to me if it cannot connect to a shared folder on my Synology NAS. I have found a lot of threads on the forum alrea dy, however, none of the solutions seem to work for me. I am running...
  9. A

    LVM volume mounts fine after startup, but not before

    Hi I recently replaced the USB drive I'm running proxmox from with a much larger one. So I set aside a bit of space on the new one for ISO files by adding a new lvm thin volume inside the main lvm volume. However when i try to mount this during boot it fails. Since everything, including my...
  10. B

    [SOLVED] USB-Stick als VzDump einrichten

    Hallo, ich möchte einen USB-Stick als Backuplaufwerk im PVE (v8.04) einrichten. Als root suche ich mir via <ls -la /dev/disk/by-id/> die UUID des Sticks heraus, und binde ihn via </etc/fstab> ein. Als Mountverzeichnis wähle ich z.B. </mnt/USBStick>. Danach <systemctl daemon-reload> und ich...
  11. P

    How to share bulk storage across guests using Samba or mount points?

    I've setup my hardware storage layer using LVM/LVM thin, and now I'm trying to figure out how to share bulk storage across guests (e.g. between a Debian server and a Jellyfin container) in such a way that it's not included in container back-ups. I've found two approaches: 1. Samba on Proxmox...
  12. J

    Use ACL to share writable directory with multiple users over sshfs?

    Use ACL to share writable directory with multiple users over sshfs? I am trying to make it so that multiple users can connect via sshfs and have access to a directory (/fs) where they can modify or create files, either their own files or other peoples files. I am having trouble finding a way to...
  13. I

    [SOLVED] How to automatically mount a SMB share on an LXC

    I have an Ubuntu LXC on PVE and I want it to mount automatically after a reboot to a Samba share because doing mount -a each time sucks. So I checked the SMB/CIFS box and as I said I can access the share manually after mount -a. My guess is I should type a magic command into the /etc/fstab, but...
  14. I

    [SOLVED] LVM-Thin blocks boot, and now is missing

    I think I somehow misunderstood and misconfigured LVM. I come from Windows and went straight into ZFS :) Fortunately only unimportant VMs are on that disk but any help would still be highly appreciated. Here is what I did: My system uses two NVME mirror ZFS drives. Later on, some friends and I...
  15. A

    [SOLVED] PBS - Mounting Windows SMB Share as Datastore

    I have a PBS that, currently, is working fine as a backup server for my PVE node. On that PVE node I have a WindowsVM running Backblaze personal. What I would like to do is backup the PBS to Backblaze through that Windows VM. My plan for accomplishing that: (Assume that the normal backups are...
  16. A

    LXC fstab leer, aber Festplatten gemountet

    Hey Community, ich habe auf meinem LXC Emby drauf und habe zwei Festplatten in home/movies und home/series gemountet aber im Netzwerk habe statt je 450 GB nur 15 GB gesamt frei, daher meine Frage, sollte das so sein? MFG Atoxien | Leo PS: Danke schon mal für eure Hilfe!
  17. L

    fstab zeitverzögert

    Hallo zusammen, auf meinem Proxmox Server laufen ca. 25-30 LXCs und VMs. Eine VM davon ist eine Unraid VM. Im Proxmox Host sind einige Mounts in der fstab enthalten, die auf die Unraid VM zugreifen und an die LXCs per Mountpoint durchgereicht werden. Jetzt habe ich z.B. bei einem Reboot vom...
  18. S

    Unable to Edit fstab: [ Error reading lock file /etc/.fstab.swp: Not enough data read ]

    Any attempt to edit the /etc/fstab file in Proxmox VE 6.4-13 with nano results in [ Error reading lock file /etc/.fstab.swp: Not enough data read ]. The file is empty and will not save any changes. Please see following file status information: cat etc/fstab # <file system> <mount point>...
  19. K

    emergency mode after fstab edit

    I created a filesystem (ext4) on my newly created logical volume. i can mount it using mount /dev/mapper/HDD-ISOs /mnt/lvm/ISOs/. It works just fine. if i try using fstab to automount it the system boots into emergency mode. fstab entry: /dev/mapper/HDD-ISOs /mnt/lvm/ISOs/ ext4 defaults...
  20. DynFi User

    mount cephfs using fstab

    I have a PBS system where I need to mount a CephFS FS. I have managed to mount this using this command: mount -t ceph,,, /mnt/mycephfs -o name=bob,secret=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx== This is working like a charm and I have access to my...