Hallo zusammen,
vor einiger Zeit hatte ich folgenden Post geschrieben: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/st%C3%A4ndig-windows-vms-mit-kaputtem-filesystem.111640/
Die Kurzfassung ist, dass es ständig zu defekten Dateisystemen unter Windows mit SCSCI-VirtIO auf ZFS gekommen ist. Wir haben den...
hello everyone
When turning on my PVE, I had the following problem:
I have used several FSCKs, but nothing works.
Boot rescue does not fix the error.
Have you ever had the problem? Do you know how to solve it?
Thank you.
Hi everyone!
I have problem with my PVE 6.4-13/9f411e79 (running kernel: 5.4.128-1-pve) with Disk volume
Disk model: PERC H730 Mini (raid6 2Gb*8)
Disk /dev/sdd: 10.9 TiB
create file system in parted:
(parted) mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1 90%
create file system ext4: mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdd1
done, I...
My server Dell R 620 Server
Proxmox 5-0.30
Raid 5 PERC H 310
Virtual machines on same server on LVM-Thin
8 VM's is running
I decided to recover from backup one of my VM. After 3 % of done, I found that some of my services on running VM's stopped. I stopped process of recovering my VM...
Is it possible to create a VM on underlying ZFS storage, and not have the VM format it's disk as ext4 but instead use the zvol directly? Thus avoiding a filesystem on filesystem situation...
Just wondering if this kind of thing makes sense and is possible so ZFS can be put to optimal use.
Hi there!
Earlier today one of my Ubuntu VM's suddently stopped working. I didn't change anything on the host (other than renewing the cert a few days ago) or the guest and both were running for a few weeks without any issues. Got a mail today from my uptime monitor that some websites aren't...
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